Congress needs to cut up its credit cards

Congress will soon have to consider whether or not to increase the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is the government’s credit limit, so once it is reached, the government cannot legally borrow any more money. The Treasury can continue to pay [...]

House update: everything I don’t like is racist, everything I like is infrastructure

The U.S. House was in session on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday, they were scheduled to vote on a rule providing for floor consideration of the $1.2 trillion “bipartisan” infrastructure bill and H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement [...]

From the Nixon Shock to Biden-flation

This month marks fifty years since President Richard Nixon closed the “gold window” that had allowed foreign governments to exchange US dollars for gold. Nixon’s action severed the last link between the dollar and gold, transforming the [...]

Kabul Has Fallen – But Don’t Blame Biden

This weekend the US experienced another “Saigon moment,” this time in Afghanistan. After a 20 year war that drained trillions from Americans’ pockets, the capital of Afghanistan fell without a fight. The corrupt Potemkin regime that the US [...]

Equality in Slavery

The Senate Armed Services Committee approved last month a National Defense Authorization Act that includes a requirement that women register with Selective Service on their 18th birthday. If the bill becomes law with this provision included and a [...]

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End

Sunday’s news reports that the Biden Administration mistakenly killed nine members of one Afghan family, including six children, in “retaliation” for last week’s suicide attack which killed 13 US servicemembers, is a sad and sick epitaph [...]

Stop $3.5 TRILLION Waste

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is twisting arms as we speak in an attempt to ram through another disastrous round of spending, despite growing opposition in her own party. Not to mention the rampant inflation that is everywhere you look, [...]

Ron Paul 2011: We’ll be in Afghanistan another decade

“Ron Paul was right” trended on Twitter yesterday as the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan refocused attention on a 2011 speech Congressman Paul made in favor of a congressional resolution ordering the withdrawal of U.S. troops from [...]

This week in Congress update

The Senate passed the “bipartisan” infrastructure bill by a vote of 69-30. Nineteen Republicans voted with every Democrat to pass the bill. You can see the vote here. On Sunday, the Senate passed an amendment waiving all budget points [...]

Infrastructure update

It looks like the U.S. Senate will likely vote on final passage of the infrastructure bill tomorrow. So please call your senators and tell them to oppose the infrastructure bill. You can find your U.S. Senators’ contact information [...]