National Blog - page 199
LPAC Photos
Check out the great photos from LPAC 2014! If you attended the private reception with Dr. Paul, you can find your picture here.
Washington, DC: Home of the true one percent
Anyone who doubts that the polices of welfare, warfare, regulations, and crony capitalism have created an elite governing and political class that prospers from the current system at the expense of the rest of the country should consider that [...]
Is Obama joining Campaign for Liberty?
This line from his speech today at the Clinton Global Initiative, unveiling new programs to promote "civil society," suggests he might: We’ll increase our legal assistance and technical support to those pushing back against onerous laws and [...]
Congress Votes for More War in the Middle East
Last week, the House and Senate voted to rubber stamp President Obama’s war plans for the Middle East. Both bodies, on a bipartisan basis, authorized the US to begin openly training and arming the rebels who have been fighting for three years [...]
Rep. Paul Broun Speaks on Audit the Fed
Watch Congressman Paul Broun speak on the House floor in favor of H.R. 24, Audit the Fed! Help Campaign for Liberty turn up the heat on the Senate!
Why doesn't Congress care about the TSA? Because they are exempt
Ever wonder why it is so difficult to convince your Senators and Representatives to support abolishing the Transportation Security Agency (TSA)? After all, they fly regularly so they must understand that the TSA harasses and humiliates American [...]
Will the Lame Duck Congress Tax the Net?
Congress is set to play the roll of Scrooge yet again this year, as a showdown over Internet sales taxes is set for mid-December. As Norm Singleton wrote earlier in September, the Continuing Resolution (CR) passed by the House GOP actually [...]
GOP House leadership floats idea to silence dissent
According to the National Journal, some GOP Representatives are circulating a proposal to strip any member who votes against the party’s nominee for Speaker of the House of all Committee assignments. The goal of this is to avoid a repeat of the [...]
LPAC Day One Wrap Up
The 4th annual Liberty Political Action Conference got off to a great start yesterday! Thanks to everyone for your patience as we had to delay the start time due to many of our speakers taking important votes in the House and Senate. This year [...]
Audit the Fed Passes House of Representatives
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia – After a nationwide grassroots campaign led by Campaign for Liberty, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 24, ‘Audit the Fed,’ by a vote of 333-92 today. This marks the second time the U.S. House has [...]