National Blog - page 200
Just say NO to the Lame Duck
I have examined some of the dangers of the planned "lame duck" sessions of Congress here. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) share my concerns. They have written a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, pledging to object to [...]
Join Me
My hero, Dr. Ron Paul, once said, “If freedom is what we want, it is ours for the taking.” I have been fortunate over the years to meet thousands of liberty activists who are passionate about taking back our liberties. But simply being [...]
Ron Paul's statement on the 9/11 attacks
On this Day of Remembrance of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman and then-Congressman Ron Paul's official statement on the attacks: Yesterday, Americans were awakened to find ourselves [...]
Is the GOP planning a sell-out on the Internet Sales Tax?
The House is delaying voting on the Continuing Resolution (CR) until next week because they are still considering whether or not to add President Obama's request for authority to arm the Syrian rebels fighting ISIS (because arming Mid-Eastern [...]
Justina's law: No experimentation on Children
A while ago I blogged about Representative Steve Stockman's legislation restricting federal funds from going to entities that give children potentially dangerous psychotropic drugs without parental consent. Representative Michelle Bachmann has [...]
Justin Amash's questions for the President
Representative Justin Amash made the following statement in response to President Barrack Obama's plans to launch military action in Iraq and Syria: When our government orders our young men and women into harm's way, our leaders have a duty to [...]
LPAC brings people together
Another LPAC speaker I am really excited about is Jack Hunter, editor of RARE Liberty. As I am sure many know, Jack was the official blogger for Ron Paul 2012. Jack is not only a top-notch writer and editor, but he is also a great speaker and a [...]
A Minimum Wage Disaster
By: Julian Hassan Did you know that the average fast food business only makes 3 percent annual profit? I certainly didn’t. The Heritage Foundation tells the story in a recent report on higher fast food wages: The Bureau of Labor [...]
Don't Miss Free Speech Champion Lee Goodman at LPAC
One of the speakers I am really looking forward to hearing at LPAC is Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman Lee Goodman. Now you may be wondering: why is Campaign for Liberty having the head of any federal agency at LPAC--much less one that [...]
Did GOP throw in the towel on Ex-Im?
Maybe.....tonight the House GOP released the text of their Continuing Resolution(CR), which funds the government until the December "lame-duck" session. The CR contains a provision extending the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) until June of [...]