National Blog - page 203
US Government Rejects Lower Airfares for US Travelers
In June, I blogged about how US airlines were lobbying the government to deny low-cost Norwegian Air authorization to operate in the United States. Norwegian Air was seeking to bring its business, along with hundreds of jobs to the United States. [...]
Don't Miss Bill Kaufman at LPAC 2014!
One of the LPAC 2014 speakers I am most excited about is Bill Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman is a former DC editor for Reason magazine, and currently is a columnist for The American Conservative. Mr. Kaufman is also a contributor to a number of other [...]
Rand Paul: This is not foreign policy
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) writes in The Wall Street Journal about how US failed foreign policy has created greater instability in the Middle East and urges caution before engaging the US in another conflict. Senator Paul reminds readers about how [...]
Government tracking "truthiness"
In homage to late-night comedian Stephen Colbert, federal bureaucrats have named their new database "Truthy." However, unlike Colbert, there is nothing funny about this database. Researchers at Indiana University received nearly $1 million of [...]
Does GOP Leadership Want to Destroy the Liberty Movement?
Maybe...since according to several media reports new GOP whip Steve Scalise consulted with lobbyist (and former staffer for then-speaker Dennis Hastert) John Feehery to help vet potential staffers. Since Hastert's speakership represented the [...]
Government Debt: US's leading export?
According to new figures from the Treasury Department, foreign holdings of US debt now exceed $6 trillion dollars. China is the leading holder of US debt, holding $1,268,400,000,000 at the end of June. In comparison, the Federal Reserve held [...]
Obama Has No Middle East Strategy? Good!
Last week President Obama admitted that his administration has not worked out a strategy on how to deal with the emergence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as a dominant force in the Middle East. However, as ISIS continues its march [...]
Congressman wants to ban civilians from owning body armor
Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) wants to ban civilians from owning certain types of body armor. He introduced a bill, H.R. 5344, the Responsible Body Armor Possession Act of 2014, in Congress earlier this month. Violating the ban would potentially [...]
Paul Ryan, Ex-Im, and the art of preemptive surrender
Yesterday Megan posted on the continuing battle over reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank). Shortly after that post, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan essentially threw in the towel on Ex-Im Bank (h/t: Export-Import [...]
Ron Paul and Mark Spitznagel Talk Freedom, Farming, and the Fed
Mark Spitznagel is the founder of a multi-billion dollar investment fund and is the author of The Dao of Capital, for which C4L Chairman Ron Paul wrote the Foreword. Recently Mark Spitznagel interviewed Dr. Paul, which you can read [...]