National Blog - page 204
Burger King Leaves US over Tax Rate
Burger King, the second-largest burger chain in the United States will buy Canadian company Tim Hortons, moving its company headquarters to Canada in the process. From The Washington Post: International fast food behemoth Burger King Worldwide [...]
"Temporary" Ex-Im Extension?
As the Ex-Im Bank's authorization expires at the end of September, crony capitalists on both sides of the aisle are clamoring for its reauthorization, including President Obama. The President addressed the reauthorization of Ex-Im in his weekly [...]
Ferguson: The War Comes Home
America’s attention recently turned away from the violence in Iraq and Gaza toward the violence in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting of Michael Brown. While all the facts surrounding the shooing have yet to come to light, the shock of [...]
FAA enlists in war on sharing economy
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has banned the latest innovation in the sharing economy: plane sharing, where pilots offer plane rides exchange for gas money. Of course, the good folks at the FAA are doing this to protect us from [...]
Ron Paul's Victory
Since this week marks the 79th birthday of Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and the two-year anniversary of the infamous 2012 GOP Convention, where the establishment rammed through a rules change designed to disenfranchise the grassroots, [...]
Americans still concerned about inflation
According to a Rasmussen Survey, 75 percent of Americans are concerned about inflation and doubt the Fed has the ability to control it. Anyone who goes to the grocery store or fills up their car's gas tank knows the government's "official" [...]
Ron Paul Classic: Interviewing Ivan Eland on Reclaiming Rushmore
One of the highlights of LPAC 2014 is sure to be Ivan Eland, senior fellow and director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at the Independent Institute. Ivan's work focuses on the dangers of America's hyper-interventionist foreign policy, and [...]
LPAC 2014 room block at the Hilton
Our LPAC 2014 room block at the conference's location, the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia, runs through this Monday! After that, any remaining rooms will be released to the general public. To reserve a room in our [...]
Think the Third Amendment is Irrelevant?
Most Americans assume the Third Amendment to the Constitution is irrelevant in modern America. After all it states: No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a [...]
EXCLUSIVE: C4L Interviews Retired NYPD Detective on Ferguson
Campaign for Liberty has been closely following the situation in Ferguson, Missouri on our website here, here, here, and here. I was curious as to what a professional thought of the situation so I interviewed my good friend and active C4L member [...]