What Have We Accomplished in Iraq?

We have been at war with Iraq for 24 years, starting with Operations Desert Shield and Storm in 1990. Shortly after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait that year, the propaganda machine began agitating for a US attack on Iraq. We all remember the [...]

It was forty-three years ago today

President Richard Nixon closed the gold window, ending the post-WW II "Brenton Woods" system and severing the last link between the U.S. dollar and gold. Nixon did this to "stabilize" the value of the dollar. As Dr. Phil would say, HOW IS THAT [...]

After Wednesday's Warzone, A Night of Relative Peace for Ferguson

After the chaotic scene Wednesday night between Ferguson police and protesters (as well as members of the press), the Governor's decision to put Missouri Highway Patrol in charge of security changed the whole situation, for now, and hopefully [...]

American Militarism: The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

Ferguson is the price we pay for turning America's police into paramilitary units armed with the Pentagon's surplus military gear leftover from decades of American militarism overseas. The era of your friendly neighborhood lawman only out to [...]

This week in Irony: Federal Transparency website missing $169 billion

Only the government could create a website devoted to increasing transparency and somehow "miss" posting $169 billion of federal funding.  Maybe the e-mails with the details on the funding got lost. (h/t USA Today): WASHINGTON — A government [...]

Buchanan: State of the Union Congress Must Vote Before Iraq War III

In his column today, Pat Buchanan lays out the pitfalls of Obama's latest military action in Iraq and joins Campaign for Liberty in calling for President Obama to seek congressional approval for any further military action in Iraq. Read [...]

Rand Paul: We Must Demilitarize the Police

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) wrote on op-ed in Time yesterday discussing the situation in Ferguson, Missouri and the need to stop the militarization of local and state police departments. From the article: There is a systemic problem with today’s [...]

Only 62 Representatives Voted to End Federal Militarization of Local Police Back in June

Among all the outrage over what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri, Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) posted on his facebook, a reminder that the House actually voted on an amendment, offered by Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), back in June that would have [...]

Georgians to DC: Internet Sales Tax are not Peachy

According to a new poll released today, 57% of likely Georgia voters oppose the National Internet Tax Mandate, interesting considering that Georgia Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson voted for it. Campaign for Liberty members should [...]

Libertarians know helping others is individual responsibility

Of all the lies and smears hurled at those of us in the liberty movement perhaps the most absurd is that we do not care about improving our community or helping the less well-off. In my experience, people in the liberty movement are amongst the [...]