Hillary Clinton complains about being broke and high tax rates

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who along with her husband, has made an estimated $100 million since leaving the White House, claims she struggled to make ends meet since leaving the White House. *Sheds Tear* What is most obnoxious [...]

Eric Cantor Loses Primary

Last night House Majority Leader Eric Cantor became the first Majority Leader to lose in a primary, losing to economics professor Dave Brat.  From Politico:  Big money couldn’t save Eric Cantor. The darling of big Wall Street donors, the [...]

'None of the Above' wins in Nevada

In Nevada, there is an option on the ballot that allows you to vote for "none of these candidates." And that option won Tuesday's Democratic primary for Governor. From Politico:   “None of these candidates” earned 30 percent of [...]

US airlines fight competition with big government

Norwegian Air International offers low-cost flights for international travel and is looking to bring its business, along with hundreds of jobs to the United States. Win for consumers and win for the newly hired employees, so who could possibly be [...]

Why We're Fighting the IRS

"...the IRS sent 1.1 million pages of nonprofit tax-return data — including confidential taxpayer information — to the FBI..." -- Darrell Issa to National Review. And the IRS wonders why we refuse to turn over such information to them on [...]

Where Did Your Senators Stand?

Senator Rand Paul has made no secret of his opposition to appointing nominees to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors until Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid holds an up or down, roll call vote on Audit the Fed. On Tuesday, Senator Reid once [...]

The Unseen of Student Loan Forgiveness

By: Colin Combs On Monday, President Obama signed an executive action to cap student loan payments at 10 percent of their monthly income until December 2015. This is continuing the trend of the government attempts at lifting “the burden of [...]

Obama Plan for Student Debt “Forgiveness” Will Only Make Things Worse

Over at The Campaign for Liberty Foundation, Michael Clayton discusses President Obama's latest student loan "forgiveness" plan and how this will do nothing to solve the student debt crisis. The plan will make it so that certain students with [...]

Holding the Line on Audit the Fed

Following up on Norm's blog post noting Tuesday's cloture vote on three nominees (with one being a renomination) to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, here's Senator Rand Paul's press release reiterating his intention to keep opposing Fed [...]

Will Senate stand with Rand and the people or Reid and the Fed?

Tomorrow, Harry Reid will hold a vote on cloture for the nomination of Stanley Fisher as Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fisher's nomination for a seat on the board was approved last month, but the Senate must [...]