The Majority Leader the House Needs

With Kevin McCarthy (Cantor's handpicked replacement) remaining the only announced candidate for Majority Leader, it's all the more vital for the grassroots to weigh in with their Republican representatives to urge them to support Raul Labrador [...]

Virginia: Virginia Legislature blocks Medicaid Expansion....for now

Late last night, after a great deal of pressure from Campaign for Liberty members, the Virginia Legislature passed a budget that does not include Medicaid expansion as part of the budget. Campaign for Liberty members in Virginia should stay [...]

FDA backs down on aging cheese crack down

Last week, the FDA issued a warning to America's cheese producers that aging cheese on wooden boards was a violation of the FDA's heath standards. It now appears after much public outcry about how this is ridiculous, the FDA is backing down. From [...]

Who wins under Obama's executive action on student loans?

So who will be the big winner under President Obama's executive action on loans, allowing more student loans to be forgiven, i.e. payed for by taxpayers? Turns out it might just be the wealthy. From The Washington Examiner Lawyers, doctors and [...]

More Sensible Laws Protect Liberty, Not Police Militarization

Watch Ron Paul discuss police militarization on The Ron Paul Channel:   brightcove.createExperiences();

Are House Republicans serious?

Soon-to-be-former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was soundly defeated in his primary on Tuesday, which marked the first time a House Majority Leader has ever been beaten in a primary. The Washington media (who basically ignored Cantor's [...]

Virginia: Medicaid Expansion Sneak Attack?

I wanted to give you more detail on why it’s so vital you contact your state senator and delegate immediately to stop ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion! With the surprise resignation of Senate Democrat Phil Puckett this week, the logjam [...]

Boeing stock tumbles after Cantor loss

Boeing, the top recipient of Ex-Im bank subsidies in 2013, saw its stock tumble on Wednesday, the day after Eric Cantor, one of the largest supporters of this type of corporate welfare, lost his primary. From Bloomberg News Cantor has been an [...]

Firing of General Shinseki Won’t Fix the VA System

Watch Ron Paul, a veteran AND a doctor, discuss the VA scandal: brightcove.createExperiences();

House voting on Red-and-Nanny State Socialism

In the next few days, the House of Representatives will complete consideration of  the Fiscal Year 2015 Agriculture Appropriations Act (H.R. 4800). As one would expect from the title, the bill funds federal agriculture programs, however [...]