National Blog - page 230
Norman Singleton on Truth Trial
I’ll be appearing on Jonathan Emord’s Truth Trial tonight at 6 p.m. Eastern Time to discuss, among other issues, Campaign for Liberty's efforts to obtain House and Senate roll-call votes on Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill. You can get more [...]
Scott Garrett: Audit the Fed and Rein in TSA
One of the representatives who cosponsored Audit the Fed this week, thus helping us once again get a majority of the House on the bill, is Representative Scott Garrett (NJ-05), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government [...]
Congress Pulls Bait-and-Switch on USA FREEDOM Act
Yesterday, C4L sent a letter to members of the House Judiciary Committee strongly opposing the Manager's Amendment to H.R. 3361, the USA FREEDOM Act. The original version of the act was sold to Americans as a way to rein in the NSA's domestic [...]
#RetroReid Rewind
There's #Throwback Thursday, and now there's #RetroReid Rewind, starting with this gem from 1995, where then-just-plain-ol'-Senator Harry Reid says, "I think we should audit the Federal Reserve": Fast forward to 2010, when [...]
Classic Ron Paul: Audit the Fed
Since yesterday the Audit the Fed legislation obtaining the support of a majority of the House of Representatives for the third Congress in a row, today seems like a good day to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's 2011 [...]
Destructive and Devastating Sequester cost one federal job
Remember the sequester and how it was going to cause destruction and devastation/ destroy America? Well it cost a total of one federal job. From Reason: As then White House flack and now-CNN Crossfire host Stephanie Cutter defined [...]