National Blog - page 236
Ron Paul Classic: Close down the Export-Import Bank
The Export-Import Bank (Eximbank)'s kicks off its annual conference today in Washington, D.C. Eximbank is up for renewal this year and the big business lobby is preparing to pull out all the stops to make sure the taxpayer subsidies [...]
Internet Sales Tax Supported by Amazon Hurts Amazon Sales
According to a new study at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University found that Amazon's sales decreased in states after they implemented an internet sales tax. Via The Daily Caller: Households in the states that have the tax [...]
Federal Government: Sorry America, no powdered alcohol for you
Last week, the Federal Alcohol, Tobacco, Tax, and Trade Bureau announced it had approved the sale of powdered alcohol, which is dry alcohol that can be mixed with water to create an alcoholic beverage. Today the agency announced that the [...]
Time running out to win an AR-15!
Win the gun that Dianne Feinstein wants to ban! There can be no freedom without the ability to defend it. C4L is standing up for freedom every day by fighting to Audit the Fed, repeal ObamaCare, stop NSA spying, and reclaim our [...]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who will watch the watchmen? The former Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security routinely passed information about investigations to department officials according to a Senate Report. From The Washington Post: The top watchdog [...]
Civil Liberties Hodgepodge
This week there's been a number of stories worth highlighting regarding your civil liberties. On Monday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled the administration must disclose the legal rationale behind the targeted [...]
IRS awards bonuses to employees who didn't pay taxes
The IRS doled out millions of dollars worth of bonuses to employees with disciplinary issues, including employees who hadn't paid their taxes. Via USA Today: The Internal Revenue Service handed out $2.8 million in bonuses to employees with [...]
One Step Closer to Victory in Colorado
Congratulations to Colorado Campaign for Liberty on SB 181, a bill to repeal and remove red light cameras in Colorado, passing the State Senate by a 21-14 vote! It's now up to the House to act. This is just another example of how Campaign [...]
Income Inequality Institute Will Pay Paul Krugman $25,000 Per Month
City University of New York will pay Paul Krugman $225,000 to work for the university's Income Study Center, which researches income and income inequality. Via Gawker According to a formal offer letter obtained under New York’s Freedom of [...]