Time running out to win an AR-15!

  Win the gun that Dianne Feinstein wants to ban! There can be no freedom without the ability to defend it. C4L is standing up for freedom every day by fighting to Audit the Fed, repeal ObamaCare, stop NSA spying, and reclaim our [...]

Welfare Queens give Congress ulitmatium

The international welfare queens at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are demanding that the US Congress approve "reforms" that give Russia and China more say over how the taxpayer dollars the US Government sends to the IMF are spent. The IMF [...]

Megan Stiles on The Blaze

I was on Wilkow! on The Blaze yesterday talking about the IRS targeting Campaign for Liberty. Watch a preview below and the full video here.

When the IRS Attacks

Recently, the IRS levied a fine (plus interest for each day it's not paid) against Campaign for Liberty for withholding the names of our donors from the IRS on our annual 990 filing. As a matter of principle, C4L believes it is vital to [...]

Income Inequality Institute Will Pay Paul Krugman $25,000 Per Month

City University of New York will pay Paul Krugman $225,000 to work for the university's Income Study Center, which researches income and income inequality. Via Gawker According to a formal offer letter obtained under New York’s Freedom of [...]

Up to Us

The below video featuring Ben Bernanke at the National Press Club on February 3, 2011, isn't notable so much for its content (which is full of the usual distortions and talking points) but for its existence. After all, the Fed Chairman is one [...]

Why we fight the IRS

Campaign for Liberty has been in the news a lot lately about our fight against the IRS. You can read a recap of the events here. But basically the IRS is requesting information on our donors, and fining us for not providing it. The right of [...]

Ron Paul Discusses IRS Targeting of C4L on Cavuto

"They're after us! They want money from us!" Watch Ron Paul's interview on Cavuto discussing the IRS targeting Campaign for Liberty:  

US Government is the world's third largest economy

Anyone who doubts that government spending at all levels is out of control should consider Mike Flynn of Breitbart's analysis  of how government spending at the federal, state, and local levels compares to the world's major [...]