National Blog - page 239
Throwback Thursday: Ron Paul Lives, Will Fed be Dead?
Shortly after reintroducing Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, Representative Paul Broun spoke to World Net Daily about the bill. Congressman Broun also released the following statement after he introduced the bill: “I first want to thank [...]
Well, duh: Inflation May Hit the Poor Hardest
Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty have always talked about how the Federal Reserve's inflationist policies always hurt the poor the most. Over at FiveThirtyEight they have a good analysis as to why this is the case: Over the past two years, [...]
Has Your Representative Cosponsored Audit the Fed?
Thanks to our members and supporters, Campaign for Liberty is fast closing in on 218 cosponsors (majority support) for Audit the Fed in the U.S. House for the third Congress in a row! Currently, H.R. 24 stands at 204 cosponsors. Is your [...]
Got Freedom?
"If anybody believes in liberty, they ought to believe in the right of every individual to drink raw milk," C4L Chairman Ron Paul said in this free segment from the Ron Paul Channel. He was discussing a Politico article about two new bills [...]
Ron Paul Classic: End the Mandate
Since March marked the fifth year anniversary of the passage of the "Affordable Care Act," (Obamacare), and since Monday was the deadline to register for the Obamacare exchanges, this seems like a good time to revisit then-Congressman Ron Paul's [...]
Moran doubles down, proposes housing stipend for Members of Congress
Less than one week after complaining that Members of Congress are underpaid, Congressman Jim Moran (D-Va) today proposed granting Members of Congress a housing stipend to help defray the cost of living in DC. From Moran's website: With [...]
Taking from the poor to give to the rich
Bonnie Kristian has an excellent article over at Rare about how government programs, such as Medicare, Obamacare, and Social Security, transfer wealth from the relatively young and poor to the relatively old and rich. Between 1984 and 2009, [...]
Ft. Hood: An Avoidable Tragedy
Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's latest Texas Straight Talk on Friday's tragic shooting in Fort Hood, Texas. Ft. Hood: An Avoidable Tragedy Last week we saw yet another tragedy at Ft. Hood, Texas, as a distraught Iraq war [...]
Retiring Rep. Moran Complains Congress is Underpaid
In a country where the median household income is $53,046, outgoing Rep. Jim Moran (VA-8) complained yesterday that, despite what Americans believe, members of Congress are underpaid. “I think the American people should know that the members [...]