ObamaCare Claims Another Job

Late last night, the Obama Administration confirmed that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has resigned. From The New York Times: Kathleen Sebelius, the health and human services secretary, is resigning, ending a stormy [...]

Obama budget gets 2 votes in House!

The House defeated President Obama's budget 2-413 yesterday. On the bright side for the president, this is two more votes than his budget received in either the House or the Senate in 2012. From The Washington Times: Mr. Obama’s 2015 plan, [...]

Moran doubles down, proposes housing stipend for Members of Congress

Less than one week after complaining that Members of Congress are underpaid, Congressman Jim Moran (D-Va) today proposed granting Members of Congress a housing stipend to help defray the cost of living in DC. From Moran's website: With [...]

Steven Colbert Slams Common Core

Earlier this week comedian Stephen Colbert slammed the Department of Education's one-size fits all Common Core standards. Our state leaders across the country have been leading the charge to bring education control back to parents and the local [...]

Does the Paycheck Fairness Act help or hurt women?

This week Democrats have been holding symbolic votes in the Senate and holding press conferences, even trotting out the lone female Democratic governor, to try to draw attention to the notion that women earn 77 cents for every dollar men make. [...]

Throwback Thursday: Ron Paul Lives, Will Fed be Dead?

Shortly after reintroducing Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, Representative Paul Broun spoke to World Net Daily about the bill. Congressman Broun also released the following statement after he introduced the bill: “I first want to thank [...]

Well, duh: Inflation May Hit the Poor Hardest

Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty have always talked about how the Federal Reserve's inflationist policies always hurt the poor the most. Over at FiveThirtyEight  they have a good analysis as to why this is the case: Over the past two years, [...]

Has Your Representative Cosponsored Audit the Fed?

Thanks to our members and supporters, Campaign for Liberty is fast closing in on 218 cosponsors (majority support) for Audit the Fed in the U.S. House for the third Congress in a row! Currently, H.R. 24 stands at 204 cosponsors.  Is your [...]