Will Special Interests Allow America’s ‘Longest War’ to Finally End?

Even if “won,” endless wars like our 20 year assault on Afghanistan would not benefit our actual national interest in the slightest. So why do these wars continue endlessly? Because they are so profitable to powerful and well-connected [...]

Police Problems? Embrace Liberty!

Many Americans saw former policeman Derek Chauvin’s conviction on all counts last week as affirming the principle that no one is above the law. Many others were concerned that the jury was scared that anything less than a full conviction would [...]

This week in Congress

The House is in session from Monday through Thursday.   Among the bills they will consider is H.R. 51, which would make the District of Columbia a state. The House will also consider H.R. 1573. This legislation provides access to counsel to [...]

Ron Paul: Oppose David Chipman for ATF

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement opposing the nomination of anti-gun fanatic David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF): “Any senator who supports the right to keep [...]

Why is the Biden Administration Pushing Ukraine to Attack Russia?

On March 24th, Ukraine's President Vladimir Zelensky signed what was essentially a declaration of war on Russia. In the document, titled Presidential Decree No. 117/2021, the US-backed Ukrainian leader declared that it is the official policy of [...]

Action Alert: Hearing on Red Flag Law Today

Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) Red Flag bill, S.292, is headed to its first hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY. This sneak attack by gun grabbers from BOTH SIDES of the aisle is nothing more than a bribery scheme to get YOUR STATE [...]

Classic Ron Paul on Waco

This week marks the 28th anniversary of the tragic government siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. Campaign for Liberty is fighting the nomination of David Chipman to lead the ATF. Chipman is a zealous anti-gun fanatic and [...]

Why Can’t We ‘Just March Out’ Of Afghanistan?

Last week President Biden announced a “full” US withdrawal from Afghanistan – the longest war in US history – by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the United States. While this announcement is to be welcomed, the delayed US [...]

Global Taxes – Global Stagnation

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has proposed that governments around the world require payment of at least a uniform “global minimum corporate tax.” A motivation for Yellen's push for a global minimum corporate tax is fear that the Biden [...]

Ron Paul on “infrastructure plan”

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding President Biden’s unveiling of an estimated $2.5 trillion infrastructure plan: “President Biden’s so-called ‘infrastructure plan’ uses the need to fix [...]