National Blog - page 298
Audit the Fed's AWOL Cosponsors
With Audit the Fed slated for a stand alone vote in the full House in late July, C4L is pulling out all the stops to build the number of cosponsors up before the vote.The following members were cosponsors of The Federal Reserve Transparency Act [...]
Liberty NewsWire: June 20, 2012
U.S. Federal Reserve officials extended through the end of the year a program meant to drive down long-term interest rates and signaled that they were "prepared to take further action" if needed amid heightened worry about the [...]
Liberty NewsWire: June 19, 2012
The Obama administration in March formally released $1.3 billion in military aid for Egypt despite Cairo's failure to meet pro-democracy goals, saying U.S. national security required continued military assistance.U.S. Secretary of State [...]
How Low Interest Rates and the Federal Reserve Affect Our Economy
The Federal Reserve has decided to keep short term interest rates near zero, until at least the end of 2014, in hopes of encouraging Americans to borrow by making it easier to get more money to spend and invest. Obviously, our economy is still in [...]
Two Important Amendments to Senate Farm Bill
Two important amendments to the Senate's omnibus Farm Bill, S. 3240, could come up for a vote as early as Tuesday evening, and I hope C4L members will take action to advance them.The first is Senate amendment (S.A.) 2220, which would exclude [...]
Liberty NewsWire: June 22, 2012
This indicates that opposition to drone use is on solid legal footing and will be even more so if Mr.Paul’s bill becomes law. The use of drones is unconstitutional, something of which the president should be aware, given his background as a [...]
Regretting Intervention
The United States is looking foolish right now as the U.S.-backed revolution in Egypt is turning into a fiasco. The Egyptian Military has recently seized control over the government amidst democratic elections in the country, and if the military [...]
Taking On the TSA!
Campaign for Liberty has been working toward our goal of abolishing the TSA ever since its obscene, indecent, and inhumane policy of groping and scanning passengers became standard operating procedure in the fall of 2010.Our fight has more [...]
Liberty NewsWire: June 18, 2012
This is not Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran, this is America and we have certain inalienable rights and one is to peacefully demonstrate. -- SalonIndividual LibertySalon--Armed Drones Over AmericaEconomyMarketWatch--Fed expected to twist [...]
Restricting Drones Over America
As Cato's Gene Healy pointed out in an op-ed yesterday titled "Game of Drones," the Senate Armed Services Committee recently called for drones returning from Afghanistan to be used "freely and routinely" in U.S. [...]