National Blog - page 321
How Many Wars Does President Obama Want?
It seems so very long ago when President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He got it only because he hadn't had enough time to start any new wars. But he's sure been busy since then!He's made Afghanistan his [...]
Long Past Time
On Thursday, Senator Rand Paul introduced an amendment to repeal the authorization of the use of force in Iraq that has been in place since 2003.Senator Paul's press release is below:WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today in the U.S. Senate, [...]
Taxation is Theft!
"Shared Sacrifice" "Tax the Rich"These sound like common sense slogans, right? Who could argue against Americans all being "in this together" and everyone needing to contribute their "fair [...]
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Jon Leibowitz Hearing, Food Freedom and the First Amendment
On Tuesday, November 15, the Senate Commerce Committee will hold a full committee hearing on the nomination of Jon Leibowitz to be Federal Trade Commissioner. Mr. Leibowitz’s nomination is for reappointment as FTC [...]
This Week on Capitol Hill
This week, the House will be voting on a "clean" Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. The "clean" version is a stripped-down BBA that once passed the House in 1995. Unfortunately, it also has no [...]
Liberty NewsWire: November 21, 2011
In a significant failure for the United States in the Mideast, more than a dozen spies working for the CIA in Iran and Lebanon have been caught and the U.S. government fears they will be or have been executed, according to four current [...]
Liberty NewsWire: November 17, 2011
"We are safer today, but not because of TSA," Mica said. "It's because the American people will not allow an aircraft to be taken over. We saw on Flight 93, and almost every instance of a successful thwarting since, it's [...]
Liberty NewsWire - November 16, 2011
The Treasury Department said Wednesday that federal debt now tops $15 trillion — a staggering figure that has risen precipitously over the last decade. - The Washington TimesDebt Surpasses $15 Trillion - The Washington TimesU.S. Sending [...]
Liberty NewsWire - November 15, 2011
“I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing,” Kagan said to Tribe in one of the emails. - CNSNews.comKagan Cheered ObamaCare Passage - CNSNews.comSpending Deal Taking Shape on Hill - PoliticoConcealed Carry Language Cut [...]
HHS wants your private medical information
Congressman Huelskamp recently wrote a letter signed by over 50 Republicans to Chairman Rogers and Chairman Rehberg of the the House Appropriations Committee asking that attempts by Health and Human Services (HHS) to create a national [...]