National Blog - page 324
Jack Hunter @ LPAC 2011
Blogger and political commentator Jack Hunter spoke at LPAC 2011 on how in the three short years since the fall of 2008, C4L members are winning the battle of ideas and reshaping the political landscape.
Liberty NewsWire - October 28, 2011
But arguably, the more visible impact is the growth of a cottage industry of lawyers, compliance experts and other consultants, which does not score the kind of political points for Obama that new jobs for unemployed autoworkers would. - [...]
Liberty NewsWire: October 27, 2011
The United States should take a cue from the Commonwealth of Virginia — or the Cayman Islands, for that matter — and simply do away with limits on campaign contributions, former Federal Election Commission Chairman Michael Toner says. [...]
"The Writing on the Wall"
Touching on the same problems that plague our own nation, Daniel Hannan uses "The Simpsons" and Jonathan Swift to describe the current policies of the EU.
"Patriot" Act - 10 Years Later
We've now reached the 10th Anniversary of the passage of the so-called "Patriot" Act, a bill whose time never should have come. Earlier this year, C4L members fought valiantly alongside Senator Rand Paul to stop the [...]
Libya: Another Interventionist Disaster
Remember, Libya was supposed to be another grand humanitarian adventure, with Uncle Sam riding in to save the poor Third World peoples. In Iraq some 200,000 civilians probably have died after George W. Bush's foolish neocon [...]
"What's so Patriotic About the 'Patriot' Act?"
Judge Napolitano asked (& answered) that question last night during his segment, "The Plain Truth."
Chaffetz Presses Napolitano on "Fast & Furious"
During a hearing earlier this morning, Rep. Jason Chaffetz pressed DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano for details regarding the "Fast & Furious" program operated by the BATF.
Liberty NewsWire: October 26, 2011
House Republicans might bring a proposed constitutional amendment to balance the budget to the floor as early as the week of Nov. 14 — even as the chamber is embroiled in yet another short-term spending battle. - Roll CallHouse Republicans [...]
Stopping the HHS Database!
Another ObamaCare abomination has recently come into light. I know, I know, you're as surprised as I was...This time, it's a rule that allows Kathleen Sebelius and the Department of Health and Human Services to create a national [...]