National Blog - page 326
EPA v. Property Rights in Idaho
A very disturbing story reported by Mark Hyman that should bother anyone who cares about property rights.10/06/11 Government IntrusionThe battle of one Idaho family represents just how out-of-control government has gotten. And [...]
Senator Paul Questions Tim Geithner
During a subcommittee hearing today, Senator Paul was able to question Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the "wisdom" of central bankers determining interest rates instead of market forces. He asked Geithner what he thought [...]
A New War Front in Africa
President Obama is rapidly becoming George W. Bush on steroids. This week’s announcement that 100 military advisers would be going to Uganda to assist in operations against "The Lord’s Army" surprised even pessimists [...]
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Fights FDA
Keeping with this weeks theme highlighting Washington's burdensome regulatory regime, this instance is one where the FDA could end up inhibiting medical research progress by establishing roadblocks to outpatient clinical trials of an [...]
Senator Paul's "Property Wrongs" Roundtable
As Senator Paul mentioned he would at LPAC, today he held an "unofficial hearing" on ordinary Americans who've had their lives turned upside down and property rights violated at the hands of an ever-encroaching federal regulatory [...]
Dr. Robert Auerbach Calls Out Chairman Bernanke's "Urban Legend"
On Oct. 4, as I described previously in my own review of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee hearing on Audit the Fed , Chairman Bernanke told Senator Mike Lee that his (and C4L's) concern about the "general veil of secrecy [...]
Senator Paul on CNBC
Last night, Senator Paul was on Larry Kudlow's show discussing the "Occupy Wall St." protests, the President's class warfare rhetoric, and the administration's call for a new [...]
Three Takeaway Lessons from the GAO Audit of the Federal Reserve
From Project on Government Oversight (a coalition parter of Campaign for Liberty on Audit the Fed)Fed Oversight Lesson 1: There are still limits to the GAO’s audit authorityThe GAO’s audit of the Federal Reserve, which [...]
FYI: Senator Paul to introduce jobs bill
At 2pm this afternoon, Senator Paul will introduce his alternative to the President's job proposal, called the Jobs through Growth Act. This bill promotes economic growth by reforming the tax code, cutting spending, and reining in [...]
Audit the Fed: Don't Forget!
As we continue our efforts to secure a full and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve, it's important to keep in mind what we learned through the partial audit over the summer.Institutions with the Largest Total Transaction Amounts (Not [...]