ObamaCare Back In the News

A new report is out from Kaiser Family Foundation showing that healthcare premiums increased by 9% during 2011, a report that flies in the face of the Obama Administration's claim that the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care [...]

LPAC 2011: Rand Paul

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (KY) speaks to the crowd at LPAC 2011.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsAKz6n8dhg&list=PL1C5CB933C6370158&index=1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12W2vLxeZVc&list=PL1C5CB933C6370158&index=2

Robo-Death Made in the USA

The media report that the United States government is working to develop pilotless military drones that are fully automatic, identifying and destroying human targets on the ground without any intervention from an operator or pilot back in [...]

Senator Paul on Cavuto

Senator Paul was on Fox with Neil Cavuto discussing FEMA funding, Solyndra, and President Obama's trip to Kentucky today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdyTI7xWqmw

Economic vs. Civil: It's All Liberty

The newsest video from the Institute for Humane Studies' "LearnLiberty" series touches on the inherent correlation between economic liberties and civil liberties.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWAyEzyp2xQ 

Senators Discuss Continuing Resolution

Last night, Senator Paul joined CNN host John King and Senator Mike Lee joined CNBC's Larry Kudlow to discuss the Senate passing a short-term continuing [...]

Liberty NewsWire - Sept. 27, 2011

"The Senate passed a measure, 79-12, that would fund the government through Nov. 18 and includes $2.6 billion for Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster relief for fiscal 2012. The Senate separately passed a short-term CR through Oct. [...]

Bombing for Jobs

The military-industrial complex is desperate:  "defense" outlays might actually get cut.  The Horror!  Imagine if, after real, inflation-adjusted military expenditures doubled over the last decade, they dropped a [...]

Rand Paul on The Jerry Doyle Show at LPAC 2011

Senator Rand Paul joins Jerry Doyle for a live broadcast of his radio show from LPAC 2011:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrLyQ67MuXs&feature=youtu.be

President Obama's Fuzzy Math

When the President first discussed his new tax proposals he said, "This is not class warfare -- this is math."Well, as this video from Senator DeMint shows, it doesn't matter if the top income tax rate is 30% or 90%, federal [...]