Liberty NewsWire - Sept. 8, 2011

"President Obama is expected to propose a $300 billion jobs plan on Thursday that relies on tax increases and additional federal spending even though congressional Republicans have unequivocally rejected such proposals before." - [...]

H.R. 1098 -- "Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011" Subcommittee Hearing!

Folks often ask, what steps can we take towards sound money without immediately shuttering the doors at the Federal Reserve?Well it's a great question.  The first step would be to repeal legal tender laws, which grant the Federal Reserve [...]

Senator Paul at Cato University 2011

This Summer, Senator Paul spoke at the Cato University on topics ranging from healthcare, to the debt ceiling, to social security reform vs. privatization.  Take a look at this great speech! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk6y6jNpdc4

Jerry Doyle at LPAC 2011!

Campaign for Liberty is pleased to announce that talk radio host, conservative political commentator, and actor Jerry Doyle will be attending the Liberty Political Action Conference in Reno, NV!Jerry is currently scheduled to speak at 8:05PM [...]

Staying in Iraq--For What?

The Obama administration wants to keep troops in Iraq.  Never mind that pre-President Barack Obama criticized the war.  Never mind that Uncle Sam's annual budget deficits exceed $1 trillion.  Never mind that Washington faces [...]

No Confidence in Geithner

Senator Paul has followed through on his promise during the August recess to introduce a resolution calling for a vote of no confidence in Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39zqOObjaPsWASHINGTON, D.C. [...]

Liberty NewsWire - September 7, 2011

"A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows those who supported his 2008 election leaving the president in unprecedented numbers." - Washington PostObama to Propose $300 Billion Jobs Package - ReutersPayroll Tax Relief to [...]

Lysander Spooner's Revenge

The U.S. Postal Service is broke.I know, I know, this isn't news.In the age of the internet, it seems the only thing keeping the USPS in operation is Netflix, direct mail fundraising, and bills (even though online bill paying is becoming [...]

Liberty NewsWire - September 2, 2011

"Obama ordered the Environtment Protection Agency Friday to shelve proposed regulations for new air-quality standards, citing the potential impact on the weak economy." - The Washington TimesObama Halts EPA's Proposed Air-Quality [...]

Who Will Stop the Amish Menace?

What would we ever do without the Food and Drug Administration to protect us from Amish bootleggers selling their contraband across state lines?Probably live long and healthy lives drinking delicious unpasteurized milk from local farmers whom [...]