National Blog - page 331
Liberty NewsWire - September 2, 2011
"Obama ordered the Environtment Protection Agency Friday to shelve proposed regulations for new air-quality standards, citing the potential impact on the weak economy." - The Washington TimesObama Halts EPA's Proposed Air-Quality [...]
Who Will Stop the Amish Menace?
What would we ever do without the Food and Drug Administration to protect us from Amish bootleggers selling their contraband across state lines?Probably live long and healthy lives drinking delicious unpasteurized milk from local farmers whom [...]
Senator Paul Responds to Krueger Nomination
The latest press release from Senator Paul's office:WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, President Obama nominated Princeton labor economist Alan Krueger to become the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Sen. Rand [...]
Libyan rebels "liberated" a prison last week. It turns out, as many as 600 of those prisoners were "pro-Al-Qaeda militants," imprisoned by Qaddafi, but reports are that many of them may have tried, or actually did, fight [...]
Morning Read: Does Washington Know Best?
Absolutely not, "Washington doesn't know best," argues Sen. Mike Lee in a new op-ed this morning in Politico.It’s well past time to have a spirited debate over the proper role of government, and the proper reach of [...]
Staying in Iraq--For What?
The Obama administration wants to keep troops in Iraq. Never mind that pre-President Barack Obama criticized the war. Never mind that Uncle Sam's annual budget deficits exceed $1 trillion. Never mind that Washington faces [...]
Criminalizing Life
In a new op-ed penned by Senator Paul in the Washington Times this morning, he shows how regulations put in place by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violate property rights, infringe on individual liberty, and are costly to the [...]
Liberty NewsWire - August 30, 2011
"A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will in time produce a people as base as itself." - Joseph PulitzerDeadliest Month Yet for U.S. in Afghanistan - CBS NewsAfter Irene, FEMA Facing a Disaster of Its Own - Funding - Washington [...]
Silence is Deafening
"The Drone President," Pat Buchanan called President Obama this morning.It is a fitting title for a President who, without any consultation or authority granted by Congress has bombed at last count at least 4 countries (Pakistan, Yemen, [...]
Disaster Relief as Bad Policy
In light of nature's prevelance in the recent news cycle, it's worth reevaluating a poignant article from William F. Shugart II, published by the Independent Institute in their Spring 2011 issue of The Independent Review.Only 25 percent [...]