If you like your doctor . . . tough

It’s happening every day. Americans think they won’t face huge medical bills if they undergo medical treatment at a hospital that is within their insurance network. But after their treatment they receive a bill for thousands of dollars [...]

Ron Paul to the Fed: Keep your hands off crypto!

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for Fox Business News, objecting to the proposal that the Federal Reserve begin issuing its own cryptocurrency. Dr. Paul also reiterated his opposition to the Federal Reserve’s [...]

Fight Another 'Terror War' Against Drug Cartels? There's a Better Way!

The 50-year US war on drugs has been a total failure, with hundreds of billions of dollars flushed down the drain and our civil liberties whittled away fighting a war that cannot be won. The 20 year “war on terror” has likewise been a [...]

The Real Bombshell of the Impeachment Hearings

The most shocking thing about the House impeachment hearings to this point is not a “smoking gun” witness providing irrefutable evidence of quid pro quo. It’s not that President Trump may or may not have asked the Ukrainians to look into [...]

This Week in Congress

Before getting to this week’s schedule, here’s a look at what happened last Friday. The House passed H.R. 4863, legislation reauthorizing the Export Finance Agency (previously known as the Export-Import Bank), by a vote of  235-184. [...]

Congress is Trump’s Co-Conspirator Against Liberty

Imagine that President Trump spent his phone call with the Ukrainian president threatening to withhold military aid unless the Ukrainian government agreed to use the money to purchase weapons from a US manufacturer. Does anyone seriously think [...]

This Week in Congress

The U.S. House is in session from Tuesday through Friday. The news will be dominated by the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment hearings. The main bill on the House calendar is H.R. 4, which restores requirements that certain states [...]

The Real Lesson of Thanksgiving: Be Thankful for Freedom

This week, Americans will gather around the table to eat turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and no doubt argue about politics and football with their relatives. Most Americans believe they are carrying on a tradition began by the Pilgrims [...]

This week in Congress wrap-up plus Senate stands in the way of help for homeschoolers

Yesterday, the Senate passed the Continuing Resolution funding the government through December 20 and reauthorizing Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act until March. The vote was 74-20. You can see that vote here. Congratulations to [...]

Vote on Patriot Act Today!

  Late yesterday, Campaign for Liberty learned that House leadership attached a provision to the Continuing Resolution (CR) extending the USA Freedom Act (the phony "reform" that replaced Section 215 of the so-called PATRIOT Act) [...]