How Congress and the Federal Reserve Stole Christmas

The bickering over impeachment did not stop the president and Congress from coming together last week to avert a government shutdown by passing a 1.4 trillion dollar spending package. The bipartisan agreement has something for everyone — a [...]

Thank you for helping to stop Medical IDs!

One of the few good provisions in the massive spending bill that passed the House on Tuesday and will be  voted on by the Senate today or tomorrow is that it contains the ban on Unique Patient Identifiers. The ban has been in place for over [...]

This Week in Congress

It’s the last week of the first session of the 116th Congress. The Senate came in yesterday to start working on the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Following the NDAA, the next major item on the Senate’s agenda will be the [...]

This Week in Congress Wrap Up

The rush of events this week prevented me from doing a preview, so here’s a wrap up. On Wednesday, the U.S. House passed the conference report on the National Defense Authorization Act by a vote of 377-48. Six Republicans voted no—Ken Buck [...]

ACTION ALERT: That's Classified

In a few hours, the House of Representatives will vote on the conference report for the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Like in years past, this year’s NDAA is a disaster for liberty. . . At a time when the federal deficit [...]

This Week in Congress Wrap Up

The House passed H.R. 1865, the omnibus containing the Labor-Health and Human Services-Education, Agriculture, Energy and Water Development, Interior-Environment, Legislative Branch, Military Construction-Veterans Affairs, State-Foreign [...]

The Great Ron Paul

Looking for a last-minute stocking stuffer for a liberty-minded friend or relative? Or are you already thinking of how you’re going to spend that Amazon gift card you get every year from friends and family who know your second favorite thing to [...]

Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century

“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan. We didn’t know what we were doing.” So said Gen. Douglas Lute, who oversaw the US war on Afghanistan under Presidents Bush and Obama. Eighteen years into the longest war in US [...]

Ron Paul: Beware the Republican Road to Medicare for All

While the ongoing partisan battle over impeachment dominates the headlines, Congress is quietly working on a bipartisan matter to expand government and take your liberties. Case in point: the Republican scheme to “solve” the [...]

If you like your doctor . . . tough

It’s happening every day. Americans think they won’t face huge medical bills if they undergo medical treatment at a hospital that is within their insurance network. But after their treatment they receive a bill for thousands of dollars [...]