Action Alert: Stop Patient Identifiers

In 1998, then-Congressman Ron Paul led a successful effort to forbid the government from assigning every American a “unique patient identifier.” The unique patient identifier, which was a key part of Hillary Clinton’s health care plan, [...]

This Week in Congress, Part Two

At this writing, it appears the Continuing Resolution will contain funding for the Commodity Credit Corporation, thus allowing the administration to continue to give taxpayer money to farmers harmed by the trade war with China. The bill is also [...]

Ron Paul: Will Trump Take Neocon Bait and Attack Iran Over Saudi Strike?

The recent attacks on Saudi oil facilities by Yemeni Houthi forces demonstrate once again that an aggressive foreign policy often brings unintended consequences and can result in blowback. In 2015 Saudi Arabia attacked its neighbor, Yemen, [...]

Campaign for Liberty to President Trump: Just Say No to National ID

Campaign for Liberty has co-signed a letter to President Trump urging him to oppose any appropriations bill that allows the government to develop a “unique patient identifier.”   Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul had blocked [...]

This Week in Congress

They’re back! Congress returns from its “August district work period” this week. The most significant event of the week is today’s Judiciary Committee mark-up of H.R. 1236 which gives federal grants to States to encourage  them to adopt [...]

Will More US Troops in Saudi Arabia Make America Great?

President Trump deserves credit for resisting the war cries from neocons like Sen. Lindsey Graham and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after last week’s attack on two Saudi oil facilities. Pompeo was eager to blame Iran because he wants war with [...]

This Week in Congress

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. The big event of the week is a “continuing resolution” keeping the government open past September 30, which is the end of the fiscal year. Before leaving town for the August recess, Congress [...]

Republicans’ Next Cave-In

Shortly before adjourning for the August recess, the Senate Transportation Committee passed a bill authorizing spending on transportation and  infrastructure.   The $287 billion bill creates new programs for climate change. These programs [...]

Everything changed

On September 11, 2001, everything changed. As we look back over the eighteen years that have passed since the horrific terrorist attacks, there’s simply no denying it. Things that were practically unthinkable before have become our new [...]

Bill Dudley’s Noble Lie

Former Federal Reserve official Bill Dudley’s recent op-ed calling for the Federal Reserve to implement policies that will damage President Trump’s reelection campaign states that such action would be unprecedented. Dudley claims the Federal [...]