National Blog - page 48
Rand Paul: Audit the Fed Now
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took to Twitter yesterday to respond President Trump's latest attack on the Federal Reserve with one simple point about the Fed: Campaign for Liberty is continuing our push to get a majority of the House to [...]
Are Recessions Inevitable?
Stocks fell last week following news that the yield curve on Treasury notes had inverted. This means that a short-term Treasury note was paying higher interest rates than long-term Treasury note. An inverted yield curve is widely seen as a sign [...]
‘Red Flag’ Laws Are the Wrong Solution to Mass Shootings
Campaign for Liberty is battling back against an onslaught of gun control legislation from BOTH parties. I’ve written many times about the threats we’re facing, especially with regards to so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation [...]
Help Protect the Second Amendment!
I can’t comprehend what the anti-gun statists in BOTH parties don’t understand about the words you and I can plainly read in the Second Amendment’s clear and concise language. But I’m afraid the situation is growing more and more [...]
Classic Ron Paul: Reject bipartisanship
This weekends tragic shootings have renewed a push for the Democrats’ expanded background check legislation and Republicans’ “Red Flag” laws. This is a good time to re-examine Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s column explaining [...]
Summary of Labor Appropriations Bill
With Congress on recess, this a good time to take a look at the components of the appropriations bills the House passed this summer. Today we’ll look at the Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services bill, which appropriates $189.9 [...]
No Deals, No Gun Control
I can’t comprehend what the anti-gun statists in BOTH parties don’t understand about the words you and I can plainly read in the Second Amendment’s clear and concise language. But I’m afraid the situation is growing more and more [...]
Ron Paul: End the Fed Now
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding the Federal Reserve’s announced plans to implement a real time payment system: “Consumers already have numerous options to make real-time payments, so the [...]
Endgame for the Fed?
The Federal Reserve, responding to concerns about the economy and the stock market, and perhaps to criticisms by President Trump, recently changed course on interest rates by cutting its “benchmark” rate from 2.25 percent to two percent. [...]
How Liberty Dies
By S. Chris Anders In Star Wars, Episode III, Senator Padme Amidala utters “so this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause,” as the intergalactic senate votes unlimited powers to the chief executive and it turns out really, really [...]