Americans Face Attack on Entrepreneurial Spirit

American franchises have been a great avenue for countless hardworking American men and women to build their own version of the “American Dream.” Franchises have contributed an incalculable benefit in the American economy for decades. They [...]

Who’s Afraid of the Trump/Putin Summit?

President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton was in Moscow last week organizing what promises to be an historic summit meeting between his boss and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bolton, who has for years demanded that the US [...]

Worse than ObamaCare?

That’s  how a senior staffer for the House Financial Services Committee described Dodd-Frank. As Dr. Ron Paul discussed last week, one of the worst things about Dodd-Frank is it created the Consumers Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), which [...]

This Week in Congress

The big vote this week is on the “compromise” immigration reform bill (H.R. 6136). As of this writing, it is not sure if the bill will be amended to include the mandatory E-Verify National ID/Database system, so Campaign for Liberty members [...]

Ron Paul on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s nomination of Kathy Kraninger to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an unaccountable, [...]

Free the Farmers!

Recent controversy following President Trump’s tariffs and the resulting retaliatory tariffs brings to mind a conversation I once had with a South Texas rice farmer who told me, “If the government would let me sell my rice in Cuba, I would [...]

This week in Congress update and wrap-up

Here is the vote on the latest “compromise” immigration bill. Despite the massive failure of two of these bills in as many weeks, leadership has made clear that they still plan to try to pass the mandatory E-Verify National Database scheme. [...]

Twin 33 Trucking Update - lower costs, safer roads, better for businesses

The House and Senate Appropriations Committees are slogging along through the 13 appropriations bills to fund the government and its agencies. While a promising process, these funding bills are unlikely to pass through regular order - but will [...]

No (Internet Sales) Taxation without Representation!

Last week the United States Supreme Court, in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair, ruled that the Constitution’s Commerce Clause allows state governments to force out-of-state businesses to collect state sales taxes. This decision overturns the [...]

Ron Paul Instant Classic: E-Verify Threatens Us All

With the House getting ready to vote on immigration reform legislation that contains mandatory E-Verify, today is a good day to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s E-Verify Threatens Us All from February of this year. Read Dr. [...]