This Week in Congress

The House of Representatives is not in session this week. Last week, they passed the omnibus spending bill. Sadly, only 14 Republicans voted against it. Here is the roll-call vote. The Senate is in session. Yesterday they passed the NDAA by a [...]

Norm Singleton on Online Gaming, Health Freedom

Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton recently appeared on Rich Muny’s Poker Advocacy podcast to discuss federal efforts to ban online gambling and health freedom. Mr. Muny is the vice president of the Poker Players Alliance You can [...]

Ron Paul on Cronyism in the NDAA

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for Foxnews.com on how a provision in the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) forbidding the military from using Russian launch technology benefits one powerful [...]

Congress Exploits Hurricane to Raise Debt Ceiling

Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel famously counseled politicians to never let a crisis go to waste. Sadly, this week President Trump and congressional leaders of both parties showed that they have taken this advice to heart when they [...]

Congress Update: Vote on Civil Asset Theft Tonight!

The Senate voted to table Rand Paul's amendment to offset the cost of Hurricane Harvey relief by taking money from foreign aid accounts by a vote of 87-10. Only ten Senators would even vote to move forward to debate the amendment. Following [...]

Rand Paul's Senate Vote Rolls Back the Warfare State

Last week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reminded Congress that in matters of war, they have the authority and the responsibility to speak for the American people. Most Senators were not too happy about the reminder, which came in the form of a forced [...]

This Week in Congress Update

Yesterday, the Senate voted to “table” Senator Rand Paul's amendment repealing the 2001 and 2002 Authorization of Force resolutions by a vote of 61-36. It is sad that a majority of the Senate still does not want to have a full debate over the [...]

This Week in Congress

The Senate will be working on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this week. Senator Rand Paul is currently holding up the bill by sitting on the floor and objecting to every unanimous consent request until he gets a vote on his [...]

Ron Paul on Charlie Dent’s Losing Bet

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned the following op-ed for Pennlive on Representative Charlie Dent's efforts to attach an online gaming bill to the appropriations bill. Even if the omnibus spending bill that the House is [...]

Ron Paul and Norman Singleton on Deal to Combine Hurricane Harvey Aid with Debt Ceiling Increase and a Continuing Resolution

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norman Singleton issued the following statements regarding the agreement to include a debt ceiling increase and a continuing resolution to fund the government for three months in the Hurricane [...]