Texas - page 2
Dr Paul Censored by Facebook!
These are troubling times for our freedoms. Censorship, retaliation, doxing, unconstitutional restrictions all based on simple political differences doesn't stifle violence and division, it breeds it. No reasonable person supports dangerous, [...]
Stop Governor Abbott's Covid Power Grab
During these troubling times where hardworking Texans are torn between their desire to be free and their desire to remain safe, Texas C4L is seeing many troubling signs of unconstitutional power grabs going unchecked by Governor Abbott, [...]
Where do candidates for the November 5th special election stand?
Every year Texas Campaign For Liberty conducts a candidate survey program for politicians asking for votes. We all want to know where every candidate stands on important Liberty issues like; taxing and spending, gun rights, no knock warrants and [...]

Recognizing Our State Volunteers
When I was running for president in 2008 and 2012, many people told me I was their “political hero.” I can’t tell you how humbled I still am to receive praise like that. But today, I want to take a moment to share a few stories with [...]
Texas House passes Red Light Camera ban bill, sort of.
Late Tuesday night May 7th, 2019 the Texas house of representatives passed HB1631 to final engrossment. As it was written Representative Jonathan Stickland's, (R-Bedford), bill was a true red light camera ban. One where when the bill goes into [...]
Warning! Texas legislative bill filing starts now!
November 9th, 2020 was the first day for Texas legislators to start filing bills they want to get passed in the 2021 legislative session. Already we are seeing attacks on privacy, second amendment rights and higher taxes. Bills have been filed [...]
It's Candidate Survey Time again! Don't let them hide!
One of Campaign For Liberty's most important projects is our candidate survey project. Our goal is to get every state and federal candidate on the record on Liberty issues like "Will you oppose all tax and fee increases and work to cut taxes and [...]
Is Attorney General Ken Paxton Helping to disarm Texans?
What good is a license to carry if license holders are denied their ability to carry their weapon when they conduct routine business? You may know certain private businesses post “30.06” and “30.07” signs prohibiting a license holder [...]
Texas bans red light (s)cameras
On Saturday, June 1, Texas. Gov. Greg. Abbott signed the bill banning red light cameras in Texas. Abbott said he was motivated to support the bill for several reasons: "No.1, privacy concerns. We think that the right to due process matters," [...]
Texas C4L supported Red Light Camera ban bill advances!
I am glad to report that for the first time a real red light camera ban has passed out of the Texas House Transportation Committee! HB1631 by Stickland received 9 out of 13 votes in the committee to advance to the next stage and is one more step [...]