Uncategorized - page 11

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on Syria
Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton made the following comments regarding President Trump's unilateral bombing on Syria: "President Trump's launch of military action in Syria represents a betrayal of the Americans who hoped he would [...]

This week in Congress
The Senate will be spending this week on the nomination and confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may use the "nuclear option" to prevent the Democrats from filibustering the nomination. [...]
Statement on House Committee Markup of Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's markup of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) on Tuesday, March [...]

Campaign for Liberty Renews Calls To Defund The OECD
Campaign for Liberty has joined a letter calling on Congress to defund the Organization for Economic Development (OECD). In fiscal year 2015 alone, Congress sent $75 million to OECD bureaucrats, who then used that money to advocate for higher [...]

Campaign for Liberty to HHS: Let us know how much Obamacare will cost in 2017
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter to the Department of Health and Human Services requesting the HHS realize the 2017 Obamacare state premiums rates before the currently scheduled release date of November 17. Since the rates go [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Trump Administration: Hands Off Internet Gaming
Campaign for Liberty recently signed a coalition letter to Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions urging the Trump Administration to reject calls to reinstate the federal ban on Internet gaming. Campaign for Liberty is [...]

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton's testimony before Congress
Below is my official statement before the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. If you have not yet seen the hearing, you can watch it here. The opportunity to testify before the Oversight Committee was a [...]
Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton Testifies on Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty President testified before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Thursday, March 23, 2017. Testimony of Norman Kirk Singleton President, Campaign for Liberty Hearing on Legislative Proposals for [...]

Win a Free Book!
Stack the Legal Odds in Your Favor is an important book aimed at helping law-abiding citizens who finds themselves caught up in today's "legal system." The authors are giving away a free copy of their book to anyone who signs up for blog [...]

This week in Congress: War on financial privacy, sanctions on Iran, and gun control?
The House of Representatives comes into session today. As of this writing there is no action scheduled on the Republicans gun control bill. However, behind-the scenes there is much work being done to advance a "compromise" on the bill and it [...]