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Update on budget and ObamaCare "repeal"
Congress is out of session this week for Memorial Day recess. When they get back, they will need to get to work on passing a budget and begin working on appropriations. Usually the House would have already started working on appropriation [...]
This week in Congress
The House is in from Monday through Friday this week. The Senate is also in session. The Senate will be focusing on nominations. The big activity this week takes place off the floor -- President Trump's first budget -- and work continues on [...]

Fusion Centers: A Billion Dollars of Paranoia
Before voting on H.R. 2169, which improves information sharing among the Department of Homeland Security and "fusion centers," Representatives should read James Bovard's "A Billion Dollars of Paranoia," which explains the dangers of the "fusion [...]

Potential Committee vote to expand FDA power today
Today the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee will mark up S. 934, the FDA Reauthorization Act. This act renews the FDA's user-fee programs. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) may offer an amendment giving [...]

10 things I hate about the budget deal
Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the budget bill by a vote of 309-118. You can see the roll-call vote here. The bill is now in the Senate. Campaign for Liberty members should call their senators and tell them to vote against the [...]

Online gambling next on Sessions's hit list?
Ordering federal attorneys to resume seeking maximum penalties for non-violent drug offenses is not the only action of the Obama Justice Department that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is likely to reverse -- which is really a shame, since there [...]

Assault on Medical Privacy Hidden in Spending Bill
Hidden in the Fiscal Year 2017 funding bill is money to create a "patient tracking system." This is code for a storing all your records online where the can be accused by a medical professional, medical researchers, government officials, anyone [...]

This week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. The legislation of most interest to liberty activists the House will consider this week is actually something on the suspension calendar. The bill in question, H.R. 2169, is designed to [...]

Remember the Victims of Communism
Monday, May 1st was Victims of Communism Day. As the title suggests, this is a day to remember the millions of individuals who lost their lives at the hands of these murderous regimes and redouble our commitment to fighting for liberty A great [...]

Is Donald Trump listening to Ron Paul?
At least on education and land policy... Last week, President Trump signed two executive orders that supporters of limited, constitutional government and individual liberty should support. The executive orders do not create new laws or [...]