Uncategorized - page 8

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Cut ObamaCare taxes
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of 45 free-market groups in a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orin Hatch, calling on him to make sure the Senate's ObamaCare legislation cuts all ObamaCare taxes. The tax cuts are one of [...]

Trump Turns Back the Clock With Cold War Cuba U-Turn
Nostalgia seems to be very popular in Washington. While the neocons and Democratic Party hard-liners have succeeded in bringing back the Cold War with Russia, it looks like President Trump is determined to take us back to a replay of the Bay of [...]

Ron Paul: Online Gaming Ban threatens all of our liberties
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an article for Town Hall explaining why legislation banning Internet gambling not only violates the Constitution but threatens all of our liberties. You can read Dr. Paul's op-ed here and [...]

This week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. The major legislation considered by the House is the CHOICE Act. CHOICE forbids the Financial Stability Oversight Council from designating of any financial institution as "too big to [...]

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on President Trump's withdraw from Climate Change Accord
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton released the following statement regarding President Trump’s withdrawal of the US from the Paris Climate Change agreement: Ron Paul -- " The Paris climate change agreement [...]

This week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. Before getting into this week's agenda, I have some good news. Late last week, the House pulled HR 1215 from the Congressional schedule. As I wrote last week, this [...]

Happy Anniversary 1984
Last week marked the anniversary of the publication of one of the most significant novels of the 20th century: George Orwell's 1984. Orwell's work still provides one of the best examinations of the techniques used by totalitarian governments to [...]

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on Christopher Wray's nomination as FBI director
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding President Trump's nomination of Christopher Wray as FBI director. Ron Paul -- The United States Constitution makes no provision for a [...]

Trump’s Budget: Radical Change or More of the Same?
President Donald Trump's proposed budget has generated hysteria among the American left. Prominent progressives have accused the president and his allies of wanting to kill children, senior citizens, and other vulnerable Americans. The reaction [...]

NSA cutting back on surveillance...not so much
The National Security Agency recently made headlines by promising to reduce the amount of information collected on American citizens. Specifically, the agency promised to no longer use Section 702 of the FISA Act -- which was intended to allow [...]