Key Vote: Vote "YES" On Rand Paul's Balanced Budget! UPDATED

Shortly after 4pm today, several budgets, the Presidents' and four proposals offerred by Republicans, will receive votes in the Senate.

Today, an exasperated Senator Paul took to the floor to urge his colleagues to vote "YES" on S.Con.Res. 42, his Platform to Revitalize America, a budget that balances within the five year window called for in the Balanced Budget Amendment supported by all 47 Republican members of the Senate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNHdPA-XL-0

Later, Senator Paul spoke at a press conference with Senators Toomey and Lee, the authors of two other budget proposals, one that balances in eight years, the other in five, respectively. Following the press conference, Senator Paul released the following statement:

“The biggest problem facing our country right now is the out-of-control spending and borrowing in Washington. We need a budget that presents a clear vision for the future and puts us on a sustainable path toward growth. Several budget proposals will be considered by the Senate this week including A Platform to Revitalize America. Unlike the Obama Democrat proposal for more unsustainable spending, my plan addresses this country’s looming debt crisis in a timely manner. This budget proposal not only includes needed entitlement reform and regulatory relief but fixes our broken tax code, incentivizes investment and jumpstarts our economy.”

Contact your senators today and urge them to support S.Con.Res. 42, the Rand Paul Balanced Budget Plan. 

UPDATE: Rand's budget was voted down 83-16. Last year, a similar budget received only 7 votes meaning the support more than doubled in a year for serious budget proposals.

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