Liberty NewsWire Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

When U.S. authorities shuttered sports-wagering site Bodog.com last week, it raised eyebrows across the net because the domain name was registered with a Canadian company, ostensibly putting it beyond the reach of the U.S. government. Working around that, the feds went directly to VeriSign, a U.S.-based internet backbone company that has the contract to manage the coveted .com and other “generic” top-level domains.

EasyDNS, an internet infrastructure company, protested that the “ramifications of this are no less than chilling and every single organization branded or operating under .com, .net, .org, .biz etc. needs to ask themselves about their vulnerability to the whims of U.S. federal and state lawmakers.” - David Kravets for Wired.com  See the link to the full article immediately below.

Individual Liberty

Internet Freedom:

Wired Magazine - Uncle Sam: If It Ends in .Com, it's .Seizable

TechDirt - RIAA's Cary Sherman: We Really Just Want To Give Consumers What We, Er, They Want

Patriot Act/NDAA:

Washington Post - Holder: U.S. can lawfully target American citizens

Forbes - Attorney General Eric Holder's National Security Speech

War on Drugs:

Opposing Views – War on Drugs Gets Unlikely Opponent: The Religious Right

Gun Laws:

Fox 31 Denver - Court: Students can carry guns on campus

Washington Post – Federal Judge Finds Right to Bear Arms Not Limited to Home, MD Handgun Law Unconstitutional

The Atlantic – In Alaska, a Showdown of Lawyers, Guns, and Bush-Era Firearms Law

Huffington Post – Colorado University Campus Gun Ban Overturned By State Supreme Court

Foreign Policy


Fox News - Iran to allow UN inspectors into secret nuclear site as 'good will gesture'

USA Today - Security Council to resume nuclear talks with Iran

War on Terror:

Fox News - Death toll hits 185 soldiers in Al Qaeda attack on Yemeni military bases           

Economic Issues

Federal Reserve:

CNN – Richard Fisher: QE3 Would Be Like ‘Medical Malpractice’

Bloomberg – Fed Would Focus Solely on Price Stability Under Bill Proposed by Brady


Bloomberg – Congress Set to Pass Bill Preserving Tariffs to Offset Chinese Subsidies

The Economy:

Reason - Recovery Leaves 99 Percent Poorer


The Hill - Chevy Volt dubbed Euro car of the year

ABC News - Green Firms Get Fed Cash, Give Execs Bonuses, Fail

Government Waste:

The Examiner - D.C. pays almost $700k for dead patients' health care

Associated Press - Convicted killer got unemployment while in LA jail



Reason - Sorry, Liberals, RomneyCare Is Still Not Working

Reason - Rush Limbaugh's "Slut" Comment Is a Red Herring

The Atlantic – The New Louisiana Purchase: Obamacare’s $4.3 Billion Boondoggle

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