But set aside the debate over how serious a threat cyberwar may be and the question of how to ensure security without sacrificing individual privacy. Instead, let’s focus on a fundamental technological shift that has occurred while most of us weren’t looking: Over the last decade or so, thoroughly analyzing the world’s data to identify potential cyberthreats has gone from difficult to impossible. The volume of digital information has become far too large." - John Villasenor for Slate. See full article immediately below.
Individual Liberty
Internet Freedom:
Slate - Why the Government Can't Remain the Cybersecurity Czar
TechDirt - Fearmongering Around 'Cyber' Threats Puts Internet Openness At Risk
Forbes - Mozilla Slams CISPA, Breaking Silicon Valley's Silence on Cybersecurity Bill
Patriot Act/NDAA:
Salon - Since Bin Laden's Death
TSA & Travel Freedom:
NewsMax - Rep. Broun: Homeland Security, TSA Use 'Gestapo-Type' Tactics
Orlando Sentinel - TSA's PreCheck, a New Passenger-Screening Program, Could Use a Checkup
Police State:
Reason - Oakland Police Slapped for Militarized Response to Protesters
War on Drugs:
Reason - How the Obama Administration Plans to Convince Progressives That it Ended the War on Drugs
Reason - Dianne Feinstein: 'Just Say No' Is the Solution to Prohibition-Related Violence
Foreign Policy
Reuters - Pentagon Report Paints Mixed Picture of War in Afghanistan
CNN - Obama Vows to 'Finish the Job' in Afghanistan
The Washington Times - Pentagon is Planning 'Contingency' for Iran and North Korea
The Miami Herald - White House Expands Reach of Sanctions on Syria, Iran
Federal Reserve:
CNBC – U.S. Treasuries Are “Junk,” Dollar Headed for Collapse: Schiff
CNBC - US Economy Faces Risk of 'Fiscal Cliff': Fed Officials
Big Government:
Townhall – John Stossel: Keeping Nature Exactly As Is … Forever
Townhall – Walter E. Williams: America’s Two-Faced Liberals
Washington Times – Atlas: Obama Policies Threaten the Most Vulnerable
Investor’s Business Daily – Big Firms Could Save Billions By Shifting to Obamacare’s Costs to Taxpayers
Reason - Is the Health Care Cost Curve Bending?
First Amendment:
TechDirt - Are Facebook 'Likes' Protected By the First Amendment?