By Tag "Competing Currencies"
WY C4L Continues Fight to Restore Sound Money
In 2018, Wyoming's state legislature overwhelmingly passed the 2018 Wyoming Legal Tender Act which eliminated all tax liability against the purchase, use, and exchange of gold and silver inside the state. Wyoming Campaign for Liberty worked [...]
More States Pursuing Hard Money
By: David Heacock A couple weeks ago, we saw Texas propose an initiative to move their gold from the Federal Reserve in New York City to a newly founded state bullion depository. Consideration of such a policy shows that the actions of the Fed [...]

The Federal Reserve Explained in Three Minutes
Our friends at the Ron Paul Liberty Report have posed a very informational and entertaining video explaining how the Federal Reserve--and its favorite crony capitalists-- profit by facilitating the growth of the welfare-warfare state. Watch [...]
Liberty Legislation - 113th Congress
The 113th Congress has convened and to make sure everyone stays up-to-date, here's an update on the latest pro-liberty legislation already introduced. In addition to reintroducing Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill (H.R. 24), Georgia Congressman [...]