This week in Congress

The House is in from Monday through Friday this week. The Senate is also in session. The Senate will be focusing on nominations. The big activity this week takes place off the floor --  President Trump's first budget -- and work continues on [...]

This week in Congress

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. The legislation of most interest to liberty activists the House will consider this week is actually something on the suspension calendar. The bill in question, H.R. 2169, is designed to [...]

This week in Congress

The big issue confronting Congress is passage of a long-term spending bill. Late Sunday night, the House and Senate announced that a deal had been reached. The deal spends 1.7 trillion dollars and does not contain any spending reductions. [...]

This week in Congress

With ObamaCare (sorta of, kinda but not really) repeal and replace on hold, the Senate was forced to revise their agenda this week. Yesterday they held a cloture vote on the treaty adding Montenegro to NATO. Sadly, only Rand Paul and Mike Lee [...]

This week in Congress

The Senate will consider some of the legislation overturning President Obama's regulations. Congressional leadership has created a new website to track the progress of efforts to use the Congressional Review Act to overturn some of the [...]

Assault on Medical Privacy Hidden in Spending Bill

Hidden in the Fiscal Year 2017 funding bill is money to create a "patient tracking system." This is code for a storing all your records online where the can be accused by a medical professional, medical researchers, government officials, anyone [...]

10 things I hate about the budget deal

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the budget bill by a vote of 309-118. You can see the roll-call vote here. The bill is now in the Senate. Campaign for Liberty members should call their senators and tell them to vote against the [...]

This week in Congress

The Senate will be spending this week on the nomination and confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may use the "nuclear option" to prevent the Democrats from filibustering the nomination. [...]

This week in Congress

The Senate will be considering nominations, starting with President Trump's nomination of Seema Verma to head the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).  The Senate will also consider some more Congressional Review Act regulations [...]

This week in Congress

Congress returns form President's Day recess. The Senate will continue working on approving President Trump's nominations. The House is in session from Monday through Friday. Among the legislation that will be consider is the Regulatory [...]