By Tag "Congress" - page 9
Why doesn't Congress care about the TSA? Because they are exempt
Ever wonder why it is so difficult to convince your Senators and Representatives to support abolishing the Transportation Security Agency (TSA)? After all, they fly regularly so they must understand that the TSA harasses and humiliates American [...]
Campaing for Liberty joins efforts to limit spending
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of 21 other groups in an open letter to the House and Senate demanding they not use budget gimmicks, like hiding additional military funding in Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) accounts, to [...]
Ron Paul's influence continues to grow
Because of his strict adherence to the Constitution and his fiscal conservationism, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul voted against all legislation authorizing spending taxpayer money for congressional gold medals. He usually was [...]
Son of Fannie and Freddie
Campaign for Liberty Chairman John Tate cosigned a letter opposing Senate legislation that would get rid of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac....and replace them with a new federal housing agency! This legislation would also create a new [...]
Supreme Court Strikes Down Aggregate Campaign Contribution Limits
Today in a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court struck down a provision of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, more commonly referred to as McCain-Feingold, saying that limiting the amount of money individuals may contribute in a given [...]
Is the GOP planning a sell-out on the Internet Sales Tax?
The House is delaying voting on the Continuing Resolution (CR) until next week because they are still considering whether or not to add President Obama's request for authority to arm the Syrian rebels fighting ISIS (because arming Mid-Eastern [...]
When is a spending increase a spending cut?
In the bizzaro world of Congress of course... Two weeks ago Congress considered the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (T-HUD) Act. The bill appropriated $52 billion in discretionary [...]
GOP's electrifying vote on corporate welfare
Today, the House of Representatives will consider the Electrify Africa Act (HR 2548). This bill creates "...a comprehensive United States Government policy to assist countries in sub-Saharan Africa to develop an appropriate mix of power [...]
Do "Something" - If It's the Right Something
Congress is back, but not for long, according to The Washington Post: Fewer than 200 days remain until Nov. 4, when Republicans are expected to expand their majority in the House. Democrats are fighting to maintain their narrow majority in the [...]
House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Block IRS Targeting of Grassroots Groups
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty President John Tate released the following statement after the House Ways and Means Committee approved H.R. 3865, the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2014 earlier today. “I [...]