Dr. Paul's next bestseller?

I have some exciting news to share with you. Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s new book Swords into Plowshares: A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity is slated for release this Friday. But there’s no need to [...]

Soros Pushes US Bailouts and Weapons for Ukraine

If you look at the track record of the interventionists you might think they would pause before taking on more projects. Each of their past projects has ended in disaster yet still they press on. Last week the website Zero Hedge posted a report [...]

How Many More Wars?

Last week President Obama sent Congress legislation to authorize him to use force against ISIS “and associated persons and forces” anywhere in the world for the next three years. This is a blank check for the president to start as many new [...]

Lessons from Paris

After the tragic shooting at a provocative magazine in Paris last week, I pointed out that given the foreign policy positions of France we must consider blowback as a factor. Those who do not understand blowback made the ridiculous claim that I [...]

House Chooses New Cold War With Russia

Last week the US House voted overwhelmingly in favor of an anti-Russia resolution so full of war propaganda that it rivals the rhetoric from chilliest era of the Cold War. Ironically, much of the bill condemns Russia for doing exactly what the US [...]

RON PAUL: For Normal Relations With Cuba, End US Interventionism

Last week we saw an encouraging sign that the 50 year cold war between the US and Cuba was finally coming to an end. President Obama announced on Wednesday that the US and Cuba would restore full diplomatic relations and that embassies could be [...]

Iran Fighting ISIS – Is it Really a Problem?

As Iran continues to take an active role in helping Iraq fight ISIS, many US neocons are upset that the US military is not over there on the ground doing the fighting. They believe that only another US invasion of Iraq – and of Syria as well [...]

The Failed 'Yemen Model'

Last September President Obama cited his drone program in Yemen as a successful model of US anti-terrorism strategy. He said that he would employ the Yemen model in his effort to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But [...]

The Real Meaning of the 1914 Christmas Truce

One hundred years ago last week, on Christmas Eve, 1914, German and British soldiers emerged from the horrors of World War One trench warfare to greet each other, exchange food and gifts, and to wish each other a Merry Christmas. What we remember [...]

Who Wants to be Defense Secretary?

It seems nobody wants to be Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration. The president’s first two Defense Secretaries, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta, both complained bitterly this month about their time in the administration. The [...]