National Blog - page 307
Intern with Campaign for Liberty
Campaign for Liberty is looking for dedicated, liberty-minded high school or college students to intern for our summer semester (May 21 - August 17).The responsibilities of this paid internship include answering phones, handling [...]
Five Senators Call for Balanced Budget
In a jointly published op-ed this morning, five senators, Jim DeMint, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ron Johnson, called for a cut, cap, and balance budget -- one that balances at the least within the next 10 years. The full faith and [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 15, 2012
In a near-simultaneous announcement, the Afghan Taliban said it was suspending nascent peace talks with the United States seen as a strong chance to end the country's decade-long conflict, blaming "shaky, erratic and vague" U.S. [...]
Congressman Amash (R-MI) says "No RFID Chips In Driver's Licenses"
Its great to see Rep. Amash joining our long standing effort against turning our state issued drivers licenses into a national id and individual tracking system.Rep. Amash sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 13, 2012
Obama signed an executive order two weeks ago creating a panel to investigate unfair trade practices by nations including China. The administration’s 2013 budget proposal submitted to Congress last month asked for at least 50 people and $26 [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 19, 2012
After the March 11 shootings in two neighboring villages just outside a U.S. outpost in the Panjwai district, Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded troops withdraw from villages and return to their bases. He said relations between the two [...]
Liberty NewsWire: Friday, March 16th, 2012
LATIN AMERICA is rich in sought-after commodities, including narcotics. The coca leaf, from which cocaine is refined, is grown only in the foothills of the Andes. Mexico produces more heroin than anywhere but Afghanistan, as well as much [...]
Dick Cheney Can Plot Wars Around the World, But He's Afraid to Go to Canada!
It must be hard. You spend eight years as vice president to war-happy George W. Bush plotting new combat adventures after avoiding military service yourself. I mean, you had "other priorities," so what's the big [...]
Liberty NewsWire: Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Crowdfunding site Kickstarter has now successfully helped more than one project earn over $1 million, turning the traditional model of media production on its ear. What if we could do the same thing for science? With government spending for the [...]
Afghanistan: These Things Just Happen!
Thanks Senator Graham. We've been in Afghanistan more than ten years, but no worries. Riots and massacres "just happen." Reported Politico:The reported massacre of about 16 Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier [...]