National Blog - page 306
Liberty NewsWire Monday, April 2nd, 2012
WASHINGTON — Law enforcement tracking of cellphones, once the province mainly of federal agents, has become a powerful and widely used surveillance tool for local police officials, with hundreds of departments, large and small, often using [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 29, 2012
"What we've heard over the last few days is a growing concern from our Supreme Court justices about, perhaps, the federal government has gone too far at the expense of individual liberty and our states' rights," said South [...]
Liberty NewsWire: Tuesday, March 27th, 2012
WASHINGTON -- House members of both parties on Monday teed off against the agency in charge of airport and port anti-terrorist screening, saying it uses ineffective tactics, wastes money on faulty equipment and treats travelers [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 26, 2012
“As the U.S. economy continues to rebound and repair,” additional steps “may create an overcommitment to ultra-easy monetary policy,” St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said in a speech yesterday in Hong Kong. Atlanta [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 22, 2012
A recent Army health report draws an alarming profile of a fighting force more prone to inexcusable violence amid an “epidemic” of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the mental breakdown attracting speculation as a factor in a [...]
"Gimme A Break" -- Liberal Economist Scoffs at Senator DeMint
During a hearing in the Joint Economic Committee, liberal economist and former Federal Reserve Governor Laurence Meyer scoffed at the notion the Federal Reserve is involved in central planning. Senator DeMint had expressed free market [...]
All For Naught?
I have a question, a question for all serious conservatives, libertarians, and those who in general favor truly limited, constitutional government. Was the Tea Party tidal wave that swept Republicans back into power in 2010 really about limited [...]
Senator Lee on Liberty and Health Care
With the constitutionality of ObamaCare's individual mandate up for question before the Supreme Court, Senator Lee describes the constitutional problems with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care [...]
Liberty NewsWire: March 23, 2012
The Obama administration has decided to resume funding for Egypt’s military and will bypass congressional requirements that U.S. officials certify the country’s progress toward democracy, according to Capitol Hill aides.The decision, [...]
Another Reminder
Occasionally, something comes along that perfectly illustrates exactly why we're fighting the intrusive TSA - and why we must spread the word, educate more Americans, and abolish this unnecessary and destructive agency.The latest threat [...]