National Blog - page 318
Liberty NewsWire - December 14, 2011
"The protester" has been named Time's Person of the Year. - The Huffington PostTime Names "The Protester" as Person of the Year - The Huffington PostNTSB Wants All States to Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving - USA TodayU.S. [...]
NDAA Update
The Conference Committee dropped their report on the National Defense Authorization Act late last night. In case you didn't already see this coming, the detainee provisions are still intact from the Senate version, though the infringing [...]
Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee Call for BBA
Yesterday, Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee conversed on the Senate floor about the urgent need for sending a rock solid Balanced Budget Amendment to the Consitution to the states for ratification in order to restrain out-of-control spending in [...]
The Russian People Sour on the Putin Government--Without Washington's Help!
The usual hawks in America are constantly on the look-out for a new enemy. Vladimir Putin's Russia was one candidate. He's a bad guy, of course, but hardly like the old Commies who ran the Soviet Union. And war [...]
Liberty NewsWire - December 6, 2011
House Republicans will not vote on a plan this week to extend jobless benefits and the payroll tax cut, setting up a one-week showdown next week to ensure the provisions are extended before the Christmas holiday. - PoliticoHouse Moves [...]
UPDATED: Senators Paul & Lee Support a Strong BBA
On Wednesday, the Senate will vote on two balanced budget amendment's to the Constitution. One, is S.J.Res. 10, a solid BBA that all 47 Republicans are supporting, and S.J.Res. 24, a compromise proposal which never actually requires a [...]
Liberty NewsWire - December 12, 2011
San Franciscans passed a proposition in 2003 that requires the city to increase the minimum wage each year, using a formula tied to inflation and the cost of living. - Fox NewsSan Francisco Tops $10 Minimum Wage - Fox NewsBank Run Hits Latvia - [...]
UPDATED: House Vote on REINS Act
This afternoon, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 10, the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, the House companion to Senator Paul's S. 299.The REINS Act is a much-needed piece of legislation that would [...]
Liberty NewsWire: November 7, 2011
I, like most Americans, want to ensure that we punish and prevent terrorism. However, we must do so in a way that protects the rights of American citizens. In his recent column, Andrew C. McCarthy simply has his facts wrong when he claims [...]
Application Deadline Approaching!
Campaign for Liberty is looking for a dedicated, liberty-minded high school or college student to intern for our spring semester (January 15th - May 15th).The responsibilities of this paid internship include answering phones, handling [...]