Liberty NewsWire - December 28, 2011

The conservative and liberal blogospheres are unifying behind opposition to Congress’s Stop Online Piracy Act, with right-leaning bloggers arguing their very existence could be wiped out if the anti-piracy bill passes. - PoliticoSOPA Could [...]

Afghanistan as the Hotel California

Apparently the Obama administration views Afghanistan as a bit like the Eagles' famed Hotel California.  We can check out but never leave.Reported the New York Times:The senior American commander in Afghanistan suggested Tuesday that [...]

UPDATE: House Judiciary, SOPA

Tomorrow morning, the House Judiciary Committee plan to continue their markup of H.R. 3261, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" or SOPA.SOPA threatens the very existence of the internet we know today.  If it passed, not only would it be [...]

Liberty NewsWire: December 19, 2011

CBS News correspondent Celia Hatton reports news of Kim's death was met with a flood of televised emotion in North Korea, as state TV showed orderly columns of state officials weeping dramatically, and ordinary North Koreans beside themselves [...]

NDAA Passes Senate, Heads to White House

The NDAA Conference Report passed the Senate by a vote of 86-13 this evening, with detainee provisions intact.It should be noted here that 6 additional senators voted NO than when S. 1867 was previously voted on and passed 93-7 on December 1.This [...]

Keeping Us Safe?

In the latest instance of someone completely exposing the TSA's costly, ineffective, and invasive screening procedures for what it is, security theater, a writer from Vanity Fair goes through a TSA checkpoint at Reagan National [...]

Liberty NewsWire - December 20, 2011

The Transportation Security Administration isn't just in airports anymore. TSA teams are increasingly conducting searches and screenings at train stations, subways, ferry terminals and other mass transit locations around the country. - Los [...]

The Death of Privacy

My wife recently applied for a job on line with a major US corporation.  Within minutes, she received an email asking her to confirm that she was associated with another individual who works for the company, a close friend of our [...]

Vladimir Putin and the Phenomenon of the Broken Clock

It is said that even a broken clock is right twice a day, and so it is with Russia's Vladimir Putin.  He's no squishy believer in individual liberty, but he has accurately assessed American foreign policy.  Reported [...]

Penalizing American Torturers

Washington long has placed sanctions on other governments and officials of other governments.  Now Russia is striking back.  Reports the Moscow Times:An unpleasant surprise might await the next White House or Pentagon official [...]