National Blog - page 317
Happy New Year! Obama Signs NDAA
On New Years Eve, while the majority of Americans were engaging in the revelry that surrounds the holiday, President Obama was quietly signing away Americans civil liberties while at the same time griping about Congress trying to restrict his [...]
Thank You George W. Bush : No Christmas in Baghdad
George W. Bush is one of the great disasters in American presidential history. He isn't the worst chief executive in U.S. history--that's quite a standard to meet. But he was a big-spending war-monger who left America in far [...]
Liberty NewsWire - December 29, 2011
America's central bank, the Federal Reserve, is engaged in a bailout of European banks. Surprisingly, its operation is largely unnoticed here. - CATOFed Secretly Bailing out Europe - CATO InstituteTSA Funding Increases in 2012 - [...]
Keeping Us Safe?
In the latest instance of someone completely exposing the TSA's costly, ineffective, and invasive screening procedures for what it is, security theater, a writer from Vanity Fair goes through a TSA checkpoint at Reagan National [...]
Liberty NewsWire - December 20, 2011
The Transportation Security Administration isn't just in airports anymore. TSA teams are increasingly conducting searches and screenings at train stations, subways, ferry terminals and other mass transit locations around the country. - Los [...]
Liberty NewsWire - 12/30/11
In the growing battle for the future of the Web, some of the biggest sites online -- Google, Facebook, and other tech stalwarts -- are considering a coordinated blackout of their sites, some of the web’s most popular [...]
"Beware Washington's benevolence"
Igor Birman, who was a Soviet refugee at age 13 and now serves as Chief of Staff for Rep. Tom McClintock, has a powerful piece in The Washington Times today that draws upon his experiences in Soviet Russia to warn Americans about the [...]
Liberty NewsWire - December 28, 2011
The conservative and liberal blogospheres are unifying behind opposition to Congress’s Stop Online Piracy Act, with right-leaning bloggers arguing their very existence could be wiped out if the anti-piracy bill passes. - PoliticoSOPA Could [...]
Afghanistan as the Hotel California
Apparently the Obama administration views Afghanistan as a bit like the Eagles' famed Hotel California. We can check out but never leave.Reported the New York Times:The senior American commander in Afghanistan suggested Tuesday that [...]
UPDATE: House Judiciary, SOPA
Tomorrow morning, the House Judiciary Committee plan to continue their markup of H.R. 3261, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" or SOPA.SOPA threatens the very existence of the internet we know today. If it passed, not only would it be [...]