Internet Tax Mandate Will NOT Save the States

New figures show that states that implemented Internet sales taxes raised 75-80% less than they expected to raise. For example, California was estimated to raise $457 million for online taxes but only raised $96.4 million, while New York [...]

Save the Family Farmer Rally in Richmond This Thursday

Campaign for Liberty members in Virginia should check out the Save the Farmer Family Rally this Thursday.  The rally will be held in support of HB 1430, the Boneta Bill, which protects the property rights of Virginia farmers to conduct business [...]

Is the Federal Reserve Insane?

  Yes, if one believes that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. News reports indicate that, following Wednesday's announcement that the Gross Domestic Product shrank by [...]

Laurence M. Vance

Laurence M. Vance writes from Pensacola, FL. He regularly contributes articles and book reviews to both secular and religious periodicals.

Matthew Burrow

Matthew is the Director of Membership at Campaign for Liberty. Prior to joining C4L in January 2011, Matthew worked on the Iowa and Indiana Right to Work Committees. He holds a degree in Political Science from Mississippi State University with [...]

Reps. Salmon and Schweikert to GOP Leadership: No More Mr. Nice Guys

Arizona Representative Matt Salmon has an op-ed in The Washington Times pledging to vote against future rules for bills that increase the deficit. Fellow Arizona Representative David Schweikert followed up Representative Salmon's op-ed with a [...]

Virginia takes first step toward sound money

This week, the Virginia House of Delegates passed Delegate Bob Marshall's HJ 590. This legislation authorizes a study of the feasibility of Virginia adopting a "metallic-based" “currency" to protect the citizens of the Old Dominion in the [...]

"The Buck Stops Here"

The tragedy in Libya on September 11, 2012 with the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens has the makings of a political firestorm this fall. The event has resulted in a spirited House Oversight hearing (while the rest of Congress is out [...]

Oklahoma Federal Survey Results

Campaign for Liberty sent a survey to every Republican and Democrat running in March 20th Primary.  Below are the questions and then the answers.Survey Questions1.  Will you cosponsor and call for roll call votes on Ron Paul’s [...]