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Pinstriped Protectionism
Tim Carney comments on the 10th anniversary of the big bank bailouts by looking at how the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) was nothing more than protectionism for the financial elites: But there are better words than cronyism for the [...]
Who wants you to pay more for prescription drugs? Some in Congress
One of the major problems with healthcare policy (as well as policy in general) is that too many representatives support giving government more power to solve government-created problems. For example, Representative Buddy Carter (GA-01). Rep. [...]

This Week in Congress
Congress comes back from their Fourth of July “district work period” this week. The Senate will be considering nominations. The major piece of legislation on the House’s agenda is H.R. 6237, which authorizes intelligence activities of [...]

Breaking News: Congress Considers New AUMF
Yesterday, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker released a new Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). The authorization gives the President blanket authority to “use all necessary and appropriate force against [...]

Will Congress Create Lower Drug Prices?
President Trump has spoken of the need to lower prescription drug prices. One way to do that is to make it easier for manufacturers to bring generic drugs to market. Right now, the process to obtain government approval to bring a generic drug to [...]
This Week in Congress wrap-up: your tax dollars still going to Afghanistan child rapists
Well by Monday we may have a new Supreme Court Justice as the Senate should vote on the nomination of BrettKavanaughh to the court on Saturday. The Senate this week passed the FAA reauthorization bill by as vote of 93-6. The six "no" votes [...]

Judge Andrew Napolitano on War and the Separation Powers
Last month, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Chairman of the Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management Subcommittee of the Homeland Security Committee held an important hearing on “War Powers and the Effects of Unauthorized Military [...]
State of the States: June 2018 Update
From passing Sound Money bills, to annihilating law enforcement weaponized drones, to thwarting the spread of ObamaCare expansion, to beating back statist schemes to impose "gag rules" on C4L, Campaign for Liberty grassroots leaders and activists [...]

Open Skies and Dogs
The recent story about a dog being flown to multiple cities is but the latest example of why so many people dread flying— and it’s not just TSA. It’s the high prices, being overcharged for things—like checking in luggage, to a sandwich on [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is the latest super-hero blockbuster and is one of the best "comic book" movies ever. It is certainly the best DC movie -- and, yes, I am including the Christian Bale Dark Knight trilogy and the early nineties Tim Burton-Michael [...]