Uncategorized - page 6

Liberty at the Movies: Kong: Skull Island
Kong: Skull Island, the latest cinematic incarnation of the legendary big ape King Kong, is not just a thrilling monster movie, but an anthology of the follies of military intervention. Set in the early seventies, the movie takes place in the [...]
C4L President Norm Singleton to testify at EPA Hearing
Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton will appear at a hearing before the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 9:00 am ET regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for cellulosic biofuel, advanced [...]

Murray Rothbard on ObamaCare: The Devil is in the Principle
Ok, he was not actually writing about ObamaCare but Hillarycare... Back in 1993, during the debate over "Hillarycare" (the "beta" version" of ObamaCare), most of the so-called "opposition" to the plan centered around the details. Critics said [...]
This week in Congress
The big news in Congress right now is the failure of McConnellCare. As I write this, a vote on full repeal of ObamaCare has not yet been scheduled, but one is expected soon. Senator McConnell has also invoked "Rule 14" on the FDA User Fee [...]

Ron Paul to President Trump and Attorney General Sessions: Don't Ban Online Gaming
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently wrote to President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting they not “interpret” the 1961 WIRE Act to give the Justice Department authority to ban online gaming. Since Dr. Paul [...]

C4L President Norman Singleton Testifies at EPA Hearing
Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton testified before the Environmental Protection Agency this morning regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for cellulosic biofuel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel for calendar [...]

ObamaCare Wall of Shame
On July 26 the Senate held a vote for a straight repeal of the ObamaCare legislation passed in 2010. The amendment, introduced by Senator Rand Paul, failed by a count of 55-45. Seven Republicans joined Democrats in voting down the repeal, with [...]

Do conservatives really want to repeal ObamaCare?
And if not, why not? John C. Goodman of the Goodman Institute, and one of the first economists to promote Health Savings Accounts (HSA), asks, and answers, that question: Probably not. Here’s why: virtually every conservative health policy [...]

McConnellCare: the Bad and the Ugly
Cause there's not much good... Yesterday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled his latest ObamaCare "replacement" plan. The bill, like prior versions, maintains key features of ObamaCare. However, this bill is demonstrably worst. For [...]
Now hear this!
Stephen Moore, Distinguished Visiting Fellow for Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation, recently explained why consumers should be able to purchase a hearing aid without seeking permission from a government-licensed [...]