By Tag "Congress" - page 6

Campaign for Liberty Opposes Federal Bailouts For State Catastrophic Funds
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter in opposition to the Homeowners Insurance Protection Act (HR 4847). Instead of protecting homeowners, HR 48477 puts taxpayers at risk of having to bailout underfunded "state catastrophic [...]
It's a Weekday, So Congress is Taking Your Liberities
The House will vote on the Massie-Lofgren Amendment on backdoor searches in a few hours, so Campaign for Liberty members should call their representative to support the amendment. Representatives Massie and Jones are also introducing an [...]

GOP Stops Thomas Massie and Walter Jones From Cutting Spending
It's not a good idea to give the Rules Committee the power to block amendments to the appropriations bills. For example, consider last week when Representatives Thomas Massie and Walter Jones tried to offer an amendment to the legislative branch [...]

The Week in Congress: Will the Senate End the Draft? Will the House Bailout Puerto Rico?
The Senate comes back into session today. The main issue on the Senate agenda is continuing consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Senator Rand Paul has introduced an amendment to the NDAA to end the draft. He also [...]

This week in Congress: NDAA
The House of Representatives is continuing to work on amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act. The House is considering NDAA under a rule that automatically repeals the provision requiring woman to register for selective [...]

This Week in Congress: So Much for Independence Day
The House came back from their Independence Day recess and immediately began working on taking away our liberties. The marquee item of the week was supposed to be an "anti-terrorism" bill containing the Republican version of the Democrats "no [...]

Vote on Ending Warrentless Wiretapping Possible Today!
The House Rules Committee has made the Massie-Lofgren Amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. The vote is expected today or tomorrow, so Campaign for Liberty members should call their representatives today and tell them to [...]

Paul Ryan's Latest Power Grab
When Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul was in Congress, one way he forced votes on issues (like cutting foreign aid, or stopping federal agencies from imposing regulations) was offering amendments to appropriations bills. The reason Dr. Paul [...]

This week in Congress Update two: Zika and HUD
The House of Representatives is considering legislation making emergency appropriations to deal with the Zika virus.While the notion that the best way to deal with a health care crisis is to increase government power is debatable, at least the [...]

This week in Congress: NDAA
The House of Representatives is in session Monday through Thursday this week. Of course the big event for the liberty movement takes place off the floor: Tuesday's mark-up of Audit the Fed. The major legislation that will be considered on [...]