By Tag "Congress" - page 7

This Week in Congress: It's Opioid Week!
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. As the title of this blog suggests, the House will address legislation dealing with the "opioid crisis." The major opioid legislation the House will consider this week is H.R. 4641 [...]

This Week in Congress: Protect Taxpayers From the IRS
The House of Representatives is in session Monday through Thursday this week. On Monday and Tuesday, the House will consider "suspensions." Since this is tax week, the House will focus on legislation dealing with the Internal Revenue [...]

This week in Congress: March 21, 2016
The US Senate is not in session until April 4th. The US House is in session Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, following which the House will recess until April 12. Monday and Tuesday the House will consider bills under "suspension of the [...]

Should Congress be in jail?
for violating Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley? Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act subjects CEOs to potential criminal liability if their company cannot pass a financial audit. Well guess who failed their latest audit (hat/tip: The Hill): The [...]

This week in Congress: February 22, 2016
The House of Representatives is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the House will consider bills under suspension of the rules. Among the bills considered under suspension are H.R. 3584, a bill to [...]

This week in Congress: The Good, the Bad, and the Bison
The Senate resumes session today at 3pm and continues work on amendments to the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill. Two amendments up this week of interest to Campaign for Liberty members are an amendment by Washington Senator Patty Murray that [...]

Thank You, Thomas Massie
Yesterday, the House passed H.R. 1567, the "Global Food Security Act." As I wrote earlier this week, H.R. 1567 "....requires the President to coordinate the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy to accomplish the [...]

This Week in Congress: War, Taxes, and Regulations
So what else is new... The House of Representatives comes back to D.C. today. Today, they will consider fourteen bills under suspension of the rules. Among the bills considered is H.Con.Res. 11, a resolution calling on the U.S. Representative [...]

If you pay for it, you should be able to see it....
That seems like a reasonable and fair principle, therefore it is not surprising that the federal government has a hard time following it. For example, even though the Congressional Research Service (CRS) receives $100 million dollars of taxpayer [...]

Your life, liberty, and property is a little bit safer
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” ― Mark Twain Of course, Twain was writing before it was common for Presidents to abuse their power with executive orders, otherwise he would [...]