By Tag "Free Trade"

Trump Turns Back the Clock With Cold War Cuba U-Turn
Nostalgia seems to be very popular in Washington. While the neocons and Democratic Party hard-liners have succeeded in bringing back the Cold War with Russia, it looks like President Trump is determined to take us back to a replay of the Bay of [...]

#TBT: Ron Paul on Free Trade
When C4L Chairman Ron Paul was running for President in 2008 and 2012, many of his detractors, particularly those in the mainstream media, derided him using the pejorative term "isolationist." But in 2016, when true isolationist policies have [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Repeal, Don't Reform The IMF
Last week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank held their annual meetings in DC. Since my invitation was lost in the mail, I'm not sure if the IMF's role in Iceland's backdoor theft of private capital via direct taxation and [...]