By Tag "Internet Sales Taxes"

Support HR 5893: No Taxation without Representation
Representative James Sensenbrenner (WI-05) has introduced HR 5893, the No Taxation Without Representation Act. This act protects consumers form being forced to pay out-of-state sales taxes when they purchase an item online or by a catalog by [...]
Is the GOP planning a sell-out on the Internet Sales Tax?
The House is delaying voting on the Continuing Resolution (CR) until next week because they are still considering whether or not to add President Obama's request for authority to arm the Syrian rebels fighting ISIS (because arming Mid-Eastern [...]
Brian Bieron Takes on Internet Sales Taxes
In a speech at the 2013 Liberty Political Action Conference last September, Internet policy professional Brian Bieron discussed with attendees the problems with the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act," Internet sales taxes, and the growth of [...]
Ted Cruz to Obama and Congress: Don't Break (or Tax) the Net!
Texas Senator Ted Cruz recently penned an editorial in The Washington Post denouncing various schemes to increase government control over the Internet, including the National Internet Tax Mandate: First, we must abandon the idea of further [...]
Georgians to DC: Internet Sales Tax are not Peachy
According to a new poll released today, 57% of likely Georgia voters oppose the National Internet Tax Mandate, interesting considering that Georgia Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson voted for it. Campaign for Liberty members should [...]