By Tag "ObamaCare expansion"
KS Leg Can't Be Trusted With Article V
Thanks to you and other concerned Kansans like you, the bill calling for a disastrous Article V Convention was defeated this legislative session, but we can’t let down our guard. You see, many of the legislators who voted for an Article V [...]
ObamaCare expansion is NOT free
This is getting serious. L.B. 1032, the bill that will expand ObamaCare in Nebraska, is expected to come up for debate and a vote on the Senate floor soon. Supporters of this bill grossly underestimated the real cost of expanding. The [...]
A Dam Has Broken
“It’s kind of like a dam has broken.” That’s what House Minority Leader John Rusche said yesterday about ObamaCare expansion in Idaho. Idaho Republicans are caving on ObamaCare. Reports say they might vote on a “managed care [...]
Special Session for ObamaCare?
Governor Daugaard is so determined to force ObamaCare expansion on you, he’s seriously contemplating a special legislative session to make it happen. He couldn’t muster enough ObamaCare support from Republicans to force his plan through [...]