Act NOW to Stop Medical IDs!

The U.S. House and Senate will begin negotiating the omnibus spending bill this week.

And the results of these negotiations will have major implications for your medical privacy!

You see, the House version of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education funding bill does not contain the ban on the use of federal funds to develop a “unique patient identifier.”

However, the ban is in the Senate version of the bill.

Repealing this ban -- which Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul had passed into law in 1998 and has been renewed by Congress every year since -- would allow government bureaucrats and special interests to access your medical records simply by typing your unique patient ID into a government database.

That means agencies like the NSA will be able to see all your medical records without a warrant!

Please call your U.S. Senators and Representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose any appropriations bill that does not forbid the use of taxpayer money to develop a unique patient identifier.

A patient ID could be used to implement H.R. 666(6)-style tracking and tracing.

With every Americans’ unique patient identifier stored in a federal database, it would be easy for government officials to ensure we are in compliance with new mandates. . .

. . . such as the proposal that citizens obtain a “digital certificate” showing we either have immunity to COVID-19 or have been vaccinated.

The unique patient identifier could also be used to enforce “red flag” laws by allowing law enforcement to see if a gun owner ever sought counseling for any reason.

So, if you were feeling blue at some point in your history over a divorce or a death in the family and went to see a doctor about it, the patient identifier would put your already endangered Second Amendment rights at greater risk.

Please call your U.S. Senators and Representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose any appropriations bill that does not forbid the use of taxpayer money to develop a unique patient identifier.

Dr. Paul took on this fight, not just because the unique patient identifier threatened our privacy and liberty, but also because, as a doctor, he understood how the patient ID scheme undermines the very foundation of health care. . .

. . . the doctor-patient relationship.

Physicians cannot provide proper treatments unless patients are willing to share intimate details about their lives, ranging from details about their diet and exercise habits to their alcohol and drug use and more.

How honest will patients be with their doctors if they know every detail will be kept in a government database?

Please call your U.S. Senators and Representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose any appropriations bill that does not forbid the use of taxpayer money to develop a unique patient identifier.

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